Please visit our resources geared towards current Southern students.
- Accounting
- Anthropology
- Art and Design
- Biology
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Communication Disorders
- Communication, Media, and Screen Studies
- Computer Science
- Counseling and School Psychology
- Curriculum and Learning
- Earth Science
- Economics
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
- English
- Environment, Geography and Marine Sciences
- Finance and Real Estate
- Health and Movement Sciences
- Healthcare Systems and Innovation
- Health Science
- History
- Information and Library Science
- Interdisciplinary Studies Program
- Journalism
- Judaic Studies Program
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program
- Liberal Education Requirements (LEP)
- Management/MIS/International Business
- Marketing
- Marriage and Family Therapy Program
- Mathematics
- Music
- Nursing
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Recreation, Tourism and Sport Management
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Special Education
- Theatre
- Women's & Gender Studies
- World Languages and Literatures
- College of Arts and Sciences
- School of Business
- College of Education
- School of Graduate and Professional Studies
- College of Health and Human Services
Student Services
- Academic Advising
- Academic Placement
- Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services (CASAS)
- Center for Pre-Professional Programs
- Financial Advising
- Financial Aid
- Graduate Student Affairs Committee
- International Education
- Orientation, Transition, and Family Engagement
- Registrar's Office
- Residence Life
- Student Accounts Office
- University Access Programs
- Veteran, Military, and Adult Learner Support Services
Campus Resources
- SouthernAlert
- Basic Needs Resources
- Adanti Student Center
- Campus Climate Support
- Career and Professional Development
- Center for Educational and Assistive Technology
- Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science
- Center for Nanotechnology
- Disability Resources
- Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- First-Gen at Southern
- First-Year Experience (FYE)
- Food Services
- GPA Calculator
- Help Desk
- Integrated Justice and Social Change Collaborative
- Interfaith Office
- Multicultural Center
- News
- New Student and Sophomore Programs
- Ombuds
- Recreation and Fitness
- Shuttle Bus Services
- Student Handbook
- Social Media
- Southern Testing Center
- Office of STEM Research and Innovation
- Sustainability
- Undocumented Students
- Writing Center
- Mobile Apps
Offices and Departments
- Division of Research and Innovation
- Honors College
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Intercollegiate Athletics
- Interdisciplinary Studies Program
- Dean of Students Office
- Student Conduct (Judicial Affairs)
Health, Wellness, and Safety
- Alcohol and Other Drug Services
- Basic Needs Resources
- Breastfeeding and Lactation Spaces
- Collegiate Recovery Community
- CARE: Community Alliance for Research and Engagement
- Counseling Services
- Emergency Preparedness
- LiveSafe App
- Sexual and Gender Equality (SAGE) Center
- Sexual Misconduct
- Social Justice
- SouthernAlert
- Speech and Audiology Services (CMD)
- Student Health Services
- Student Support Team
- Tobacco Free Campus
- University Police
- Violence Prevention, Victim Advocacy and Support (VPAS) Center
- Wellbeing Center