Southern Connecticut State University is concerned about the safety of all University community members. Sexual harassment and sexual violence (sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation) are not acceptable behaviors in our community and are violations of the law, University policies and Student Code of Conduct. The University is committed to providing prevention education and support services to our survivors and holding perpetrators accountable.
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Support And Resource Team (SART)

Southern Connecticut State University's Support and Resource Team (SART) is designed to provide a collaborative victim-centered team response to sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation). The mission of SART is to provide services that ensure a transition from victim to survivor for every individual whose life is impacted by sexual misconduct. The SART members can provide a survivor with many supportive options including counseling, medical attention, judicial services, advocacy, law enforcement, referrals, and general information regarding sexual violence. More information on SART.
It's On Us
"It’s On Us” is a national campaign aimed at raising awareness and bringing an end to sexual assault on college campuses. SCSU is joining this cultural movement to fundamentally shift the way we think about sexual assault by holding each other and ourselves accountable. It’s On Us to stop sexual assault on our campus.