SCSU Campus Climate Surveys

In fall 2017, the President's Commission on Social Justice administered a campus-wide climate survey to identify and describe faculty, staff, and student perceptions and experiences about diversity and the overall atmosphere of inclusivity, acceptance, and appreciation at Southern.  

The Campus Climate Leadership Team recognizes that the survey data is an initial step to fully understanding our campus climate and that further information may need to be collected. However, the range of data that we have gathered will serve as a helpful guide for campus stakeholders as they develop goals and objectives related to prevention, intervention and resolution strategies as well as policies and practices designed to improve our campus culture.  It is critical that these survey reports do not sit on a shelf.  They must inform our work as we strive to become a more inclusive and welcoming university.

Download Survey Results

Share Your Activities and Recommendations

Please share with the President's Commission on Social Justice how you will use the survey results and data. Inform the commission about any action plans that you have developed to deepen your commitment to diversity.  Let us use these efforts as a collective springboard to put this data to the best possible use and create a campus environment that is safe, open and welcoming to all members of our community.


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