The Research and Scholarship Advisory Committee reports directly to the Provost and plays a major role in advancing the agenda for research, scholarship, and creative activity at Southern Connecticut State University. This site is updated with offerings as they become available.

Congratulations to Asma Rahimyar, SCSU's First Rhodes Scholar!
The Research and Scholarship Advisory Committee members would like to extend their heartfelt congratulations to Asma Rahimyar, SCSU's first Rhodes Scholar. Ms. Rahimyar is a senior majoring in Politics and International Studies while also pursuing a second Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy and a minor in English. Ms. Rahimyar is the only Connecticut native among the 32 scholars from America, chosen from 953 applicants, who’ll begin their studies at the University of Oxford next October. The Rhodes program has a .7% acceptance rate, and 90% of the winners were at Ivy League universities. Ms. Rahimyar is also the recipient of a Summer 2019 Research and Scholarship Committee Undergraduate Research Grant to conduct a case study of the Baraki Rajan village in Afghanistan during Soviet occupation aimed at shedding light on atrocities committed by the Soviets. Her research was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Patricia Olney, Professor in the Political Science department.