The Southern Connecticut State University Emergency Management Plan provides a programmed response to emergency situations so that the life and health of the campus community and the operations of the university are protected.
This website contains individual and group safety information -- drawn from the Emergency Management Plan -- for a wide range of potential emergencies. See the links in the left-hand navigation for this information. Each page within this site contains safety information in two formats: Web-based text and a downloadable PDF document that can be printed.
Emergency Contacts
- In an emergency, contact the University Police by calling 911.
- For routine business, police can be contacted at (203) 392-5375 (x25375 on campus)
Also Available
- Emergency phones on campus that connect directly with campus police
- Blue emergency phones that are wall-mounted and/or on pedestals across the campus and connect with campus police dispatchers. They may be activated by pressing the red buttons on the face of the speaker box.