SCSU Chapter SUOAF AFSCME Council 4 Local 2836
In the early 1970s, a group of administrators from the different institutions throughout the Connecticut State University System met in New Haven to discuss the prospects of establishing a professional union. The group met with a number of established unions throughout Connecticut, and as the result of an election by the administrators of all four campus (Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western), they overwhelming selected the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) of Connecticut as its bargaining agent.
In 1976, each of the colleges (Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western) began the process of establishing a chapter. The four campuses collectively would first elect a Local Union to represent them in negotiations with the Connecticut State College System. Then each campus elected its own Chapter Executive Board. By the summer of 1976, the president of each chapter and the local executive board began drafting and negotiating with the Connecticut State College System (renamed in 1984 the Connecticut State University System).
On April 1, 1977, a contract was agreed upon between AFSCME and the System Office (CSC), and ratified by the administrative faculty of the four campuses. The union became known as the State College Organization of Administrative Faculty (SCOAF) and renamed in 1984 to SUOAF in keeping with becoming a university.
On April 1, 2007, SUOAF/AFSCME entered its 30th year as the sole representative of Administrative-Faculty with the University System. Over the years, the membership has grown to approximately 700 members.
The State University Organization of Administrative Faculty (SUOAF) organized by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) is responsible for negotiating the terms and conditions of employment of members of the bargaining unit. It also promotes the quality and effectiveness of education in the Connecticut State College & Universities System and maintains high standards of academic excellence in all phases of instruction, research and service.
- SUOAF/AFSCME retains the exclusive right to negotiate and reach agreement on terms and conditions of employment for the members of the bargaining union.
- SUOAF/AFSCME recognizes the desirability of a collegial governance system for the administrative faculty in areas of academic and/or professional concern.
- SUOAF/AFSCME promotes the participation of administrative faculty with the university community.