The Graduate Council is an elected representative body of the graduate faculty at SCSU. The council has the responsibility for developing and maintaining University policies that establish the minimum acceptable standards for graduate programs of study offered at Southern Connecticut State University. The council meets the last Monday of the month from September through April.
For all official Graduate Council documents, curriculum forms, membership lists, and annual meeting information, please visit the Graduate Council Confluence page:
Visit Graduate Council Page (Confluence)
Submitting a Graduate Curriculum Proposal
The Graduate Council Curriculum Committee (GCCC) meets the first Monday of each month during the academic year (October-December and February-May) to review graduate curricular proposals. Please submit all proposals to GPSgradcouncil@southernct.edu.
All proposals are due by the 15th of the month prior in order to be eligible for review at the next GCCC meeting. Complete proposals will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. Incomplete proposals will be returned to the proposer for revision in order to remain on the upcoming GCCC docket.
Forms, Instructions, and Tracker
For a complete list of forms and instructions for Graduate Curriculum proposals, or to track the receipt and approval of your proposal, visit the Graduate Council webpage (via Confluence) above and select "GC Curriculum Committee and Approval Forms."
The GCCC requires digital signature for all proposals. Scanned documents may be returned to the proposer and the approval process for your program or course delayed.
Types of Proposals and Timeline
GCCC proposals fall into two broad categories: major and minor. All proposals require a minimum of two months for GCCC review, Graduate Council approval, Graduate School and Registrar processing. The timeline for proposals requiring BOR notification or approval may be six months or longer, and proposers are encouraged to contact the Office of Academic Affairs for advance conslution. See the BOR Academic Program Approval Documents for information.
In general, proposals for major changes requiring BOR notification or approval (e.g., New Program Proposals; Certificates, Accelerated Pathways, and Concentrations; and Substantive Program Revisions (more than 12 credits) should be received at GPSgradcouncil@southernct.edu by October 15 (and no later than November 15) in order to be eligible for consideration for next-year implementation.
The last date by which minor changes (e.g., New Graduate Course Proposals, Revised Course Proposals, and Minor Program Revisions) may be submitted in order to be eligible for next-year implementation is December 15.
For a complete list of information and dates, see the Graduate Council in Confluence.
Questions and Help
For complete instructions and FAQ, or to contact the current Curriculum Committee chair(s), see the Graduate Council in Confluence.