Navigate Training and Support
Amanda Valentine: Navigate Support Specialist
Email: navigatehelp@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-7299
For Navigate training or to schedule a general question with Navigate Support, please click the "Schedule Navigate Support" button below. Once signed in, select "Navigate and Advising Training" and then the desired training topic/reason for your appointment from the options provided.
Training Sessions
Browse the session topics and descriptions below. When you've identified a training session(s) you'd like to attend, click the "Register for a Training Session" button. From the drop down, select "Navigate and Advising Training" then follow the remaining prompts and select the training session you'd like to attend.
Register for a Training Session
Faculty & Advising Training
Various Navigate trainings are offered, in addition to advising trainings for new faculty advisors. Further information regarding Undergraduate Academic Advising and training can be found on the Undergraduate Academic Advising webpage.
Learn the basics of using the Navigate platform along with all of the recent updates. Those new to Navigate should take this training first; this is also ideal for those who need a refresher on what Navigate has to offer. The one-hour session will cover:
Accessing and navigating Staff/Professor profile pages
Finding lists of and emailing your advisees from Navigate
Accessing and navigating the Student Profile page
Issuing Alerts for students who you think need additional support
Leaving notes and reports after you advise a student
This training provides a review of the use of Navigate to advise students. The focus is on contacting students and locating key information in their Student Profile page. It also reviews the Notes and Reports features in Navigate. This session is designed for those who have taken the Intro to Navigate training and want to deepen or review their use of the Platform. The thirty-minute session will cover:
Accessing and navigating Student Profile page
Emailing lists of advisees and students from Navigate
Understanding details of the History and Class Info tabs
Leaving and finding notes/reports on a student
Issuing Alerts
Learn how to set up Faculty Office Hours in Navigate, which allows students to make appointments with you via Navigate. Once a faculty member sets this up in Navigate, students can use the app or a link you provide to easily make appointments with you all semester. Those new to or needing a refresher on setting up Faculty Office hours will find this helpful. (Also see, Navigate Faculty Office Hours Video Tutorial). The thirty-minute session will cover:
Setting up availability for Faculty Office Hours in Navigate
Sharing the Link with Students and how students make appointments
Using your Outlook Calendar to block times when you are not available for appointments
Learn how to use the Alert feature of Navigate. Alerts are a way to draw attention to a student who might be at risk for a variety of reasons. Issuing an alert will create a virtual referral and prompt action from the appropriate department (Also see, Issuing an Alert Webpage and Navigate Issuing an Alert Video Tutorial). The thirty-minute session will cover how to issue an alert and how to choose an alert reason.
Learn how to run a Navigate Campaign, an efficient way to invite your advisees to make an academic advising appointment. Using this feature, you can send one email to all of your advisees and the rest is automated. Navigate will keep track of who hasn’t made an appointment with you - gone are the dozens of back and forth emails to schedule appointment times! Those new or in need of a refresher on running campaigns will find this session helpful (Also see, Navigate Advising Campaign Video Tutorial). The one-hour session will cover:
Setting up and editing availability
Running a campaign
Navigating the Campaigns section and sending follow-up invites to non-attendees
Leaving Reports on Appointments attached to a campaign
Using your Outlook Calendar to block times when you are not available
This training covers the use of Navigate to run searches and generate lists and reports on specific populations of students. This is particularly useful for chairs, secretaries, coordinators, program directors, and anyone who wants to use advanced filters to find groups of students. This feature allows you to run reports similar to BRIO. The one-hour session will cover:
How to use the advanced search page to find targeted groups of students
Use of saved searches, reports, and student “watch” lists
Exporting and emailing generated lists
Generating lists of students with their assigned advisors
Learn the basics of Schedule Planner and how students and faculty advisors might use the tool:
Searching for courses in Schedule Planner
Generating possible schedule in Schedule Planner
Student Registration via Schedule Planner
Add/Drop/Withdraw in Schedule Planner
In this session, the Faculty Director of UG Advising will provide an overview of undergraduate academic advising on campus. This session will be of interest to faculty new to advising at SCSU and any faculty who want to learn more about the new Academic Advising Centers. The one-hour session will discuss:
The role of assigned faculty advisors
The role of the Academic Advising Centers
Tools, support, and resources for faculty advisors
In this session, the Faculty Director of UG Advising, will provide an overview of advising students on the Liberal Education Program, including how to use the Degree Evaluation as a tool in advising. New Fall 2020 LEP policies will be featured. The one-hour session will discuss:
Helping students navigate course selection in the LEP
Using the Degree Evaluation as a tool in advising for the LEP
Understanding the “share” policy between the LEP, Major and Cognates
Accessing LEP Director’s evaluation for transfer students
This training covers the appointments and check-ins report. This 30-minute training will cover:
Check-Ins via a kiosk (appointments, drop-ins, track time services)
Appointments (any appointment made in Navigate, or recorded through an appointment summary
This training covers how to add availability for any service within a care unit. The 30-minute training will discuss:
How to add new availability
How to copy existing availability
How to set up you Personal Availability Link (PAL)
This training covers how to add availability for student workers within a care unit. Note that in order to add availability to a student, they will need a student worker role The 30-minute training will discuss:
How to add new availability to a student worker using the availabilities report
How to copy existing availability using the availabilities report
Learn how to run a Navigate Campaign, an efficient way to invite a group of students to make an appointment with you. Using this feature, you can send one email to the group of your choice and the rest is automated. Navigate will keep track of who hasn’t made an appointment with you - gone are the dozens of back and forth emails to schedule appointment times! Those new or in need of a refresher on running campaigns will find this session helpful (Also see, Appointment Campaign Video Tutorial). The one-hour session will cover:
Setting up and editing availability
Running a campaign
Navigating the Campaigns section and sending follow-up invites to non-attendees
Leaving Reports on Appointments attached to a campaign
Using your Outlook Calendar to block times when you are not available
Learn the basics of using the Navigate platform along with all of the recent updates. Those new to Navigate should take this training first; this is also ideal for those who need a refresher on what Navigate has to offer. The one-hour session will cover:
Finding lists of and emailing your advisees from Navigate
Accessing and navigating the Student Profile page
Issuing Alerts for students who you think need additional support
Leaving notes and reports after you meet witih a student
Learn how to use the Alert feature of Navigate. Alerts are a way to draw attention to a student who might be at risk for a variety of reasons. Issuing an alert will create a virtual referral and prompt action from the appropriate department (Also see, Issuing an Alert Webpage and Navigate Issuing an Alert Video Tutorial). The thirty-minute session will cover
How to issue an alert
How to choose an alert reason.
This training covers the Students report. This 30-minute training will cover:
How to use the students report to find demographic information
How to run the students report for a specific group of students, within a major, concentration, minor or on a student list
This training covers the use of Navigate to run searches and generate lists and reports on specific populations of students. This is particularly useful for chairs, secretaries, coordinators, program directors, and anyone who wants to use advanced filters to find groups of students. This feature allows you to run reports similar to BRIO. The one-hour session will cover:
How to use the advanced search page to find targeted groups of students
Use of saved searches, reports, and student “watch” lists
Exporting and emailing generated lists
Generating lists of students with their assigned advisors
This training covers the use of the appointment center to:
Schedule appointments
Cancel appointments
See upcoming/future appointments
Understand the format of the appointment center