Navigate Updates
Automations/Automated Actions
New to Navigate is the ability to set up "Automated Actions". This feature will allow faculty/staff to automatically take an action, such as send a message or issue an alert, on a student based on a saved search. This will allow faculty/staff to set up proactive outreach, send automatic welcome emails to newly assigned advisees and much more.
To learn more about automations, how they work, as well as how to set one up yourself, please see our Automated Actions page.
V3 Reporting
New to Navigate is V3 Reporting. Please note that ALL V2 reports will still be available in Navigate until further notice. V3 reports have exciting new features such as more filtering choices including ANDs, ORs, not empty, empty, etc. to get more specific and detailed searches, create pivot-tables within Navigate and much more. Check out our reporting page as we update some of our reporting tutorials reflecting these changes.