Housing Protocols

Southern Connecticut State University maintains an educational environment which provides an equal opportunity for all qualified students. The university affirms the basic right of all members of the university community to free inquiry, responsible discussion, and the uninterrupted pursuit of all activities normally associated with the operation of Southern Connecticut State University.
Detailed university regulations are printed in a number of university publications including the student handbook and bulletins distributed by administrative offices. New regulations or amendments to existing university regulations may be placed as public notices in the student newspaper, the Southern News. Students must comply with all university regulations; otherwise they will be subjected to appropriate penalties up to and including expulsion from the university.
The Student Bill of Rights and the Student Code of Conduct are printed in the student handbook to help students understand their rights and responsibilities as members of the university community. The Student Code of Conduct does not replace or relieve the requirements of civil or criminal laws.
All students are expected to maintain acceptable standards of conduct while on the university campus, on property controlled by the university or university affiliates, and in connection with off-campus university activities.
All members of the university community must carry an official university identification card and must present it on request by a university official or university police. Those who cannot produce a university identification card on request may be asked to substantiate their reason for being on campus.
Any person not a member of the university student body, faculty, or staff who participates in behavior contributing to the disruption or obstruction of the activities and operation of the university may be subject to exclusion from the campus and/or to civil arrest.
All university regulations apply to part-time as well as full-time students, faculty, and staff. All others are also expected to abide by all university regulations.