Continuing Students

Dec 15th University Bills Due
Jan 21st Spring Move-In
Jan 22nd 1st Day of Classes
Feb 5th Room Change process for spring
Feb 15 Fall 2025-Spring 2026 Housing Application live
Mar 10th-April 1st Roommate matching open for continuing students
Mar 14th Spring Break Closing (halls close at 5pm)
Mar 23rd Spring Break Closing (halls open at 2pm)
April 8th-17th Room Selection Process for Continuing Students(online through MyHousing)
May 16th Halls Close for Summer Break
June 30th Deadline to cancel Fall Housing without penalty
July 2nd Tentative Room Change Date
July 15th University Bills Due
Aug 1st Health forms due
Aug 6th Tentative Room Change Date
Aug 25th Continuing Student Move-In Day(9am-4pm, Reservation time required)
Aug 26th First Day of Classes

Students who lived on campus for the fall will automatically be reassigned to housing in the same housing assignment for the Spring semester. There is no need to reapply for housing. Room change processes will be available for the spring semester. 

If you are currently a commuter student interested in living on campus please See steps to apply. Once the application is completed students will be assigned and notified by the Office of Residence Life.


How do I apply for housing?

Please visit How to Apply for Housing for information.


What forms of payment are accepted for my $250.00 non-refundable housing deposit?

The $250.00 non-refundable housing deposit must be paid online with a credit card through the MyHousing.  We currently accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover only.


What is the cancellation policy for the academic year housing contract?

If you have paid your housing deposit and no longer wish to live on campus, you must submit a housing contract cancellation request. Please contact our office of further information.


When can I change my meal plan?

Spring 2025 Semester - You can change your meal plan for the spring semester December 1st- February 7th.

Fall 2025 Semester - You can change your meal plan for the spring semester July 1st- September 12th.



What other meal plan options are available to returning residents?

Students in kitchen rooms may select to upgrade to the 60-meals per semester plan plus $150 Food Loot; this meal plan option offers significant cost savings per meal. Students residing in rooms that are not equipped with kitchens will maintain a full meal plan with unlimited access to Connecticut Hall, $150 Food Loot. The Food Loot can be used for dining elsewhere on campus including the Student Center Food Court. Please visit the Meal Plan page on our website for full details.


How are selection times for rooms chosen?

Usually, room selection times go by how many credits you have. A person with higher credits will be able to choose a room before a person with a lower amount of credits.