There are a few paths available at Southern if you need to step away from some or all of your studies.

You should consult with your instructor and academic adviser to understand your options for completing the course before deciding to drop. Please review this information before taking any action:
- You may drop classes during the first two weeks of the semester (see drop deadlines for shorter terms).
- Dropped courses do not appear on your transcript nor hold any academic penalty.
- Freshmen in their first semester are required to connect with an advisor to drop a course.
Tuition and Fees
- You must drop by the refund deadline to receive a full or partial refund for tuition and fees.
- Full-time students must drop all courses prior to the first day of the semester to receive a 100% refund.
Financial Aid
- Student loans will not be reduced or cancelled if remaining enrolled at least half-time.
- Grants and scholarships may be prorated or cancelled if dropping below full-time status.
- Half-time is 6 credits undergraduate or 4.5 credits graduate; full-time is 12 credits undergraduate or 9 credits graduate.
Missed the Deadline?
If you encountered extraordinary circumstances that prevented you from meeting deadlines, please contact the Dean for the college or school where the course is offered to discuss potential adjustments.
How to Drop a Class (video 0m33s):
- Go to MySCSU
- Select Banner Student
- Records and Registration
- Registration and Schedule Planner
- To drop a course, click Current Schedule, Edit Schedule, change the status to Drop, click Save.
Note: If you have a registration hold, please email Registrar@SouthernCT.edu with your student ID and the subject and course number that you would like to drop from your schedule.
You should consult with your instructor and academic adviser to understand your options for completing the course before deciding to withdraw. Please review this information before taking any action:
IMPORTANT: If withdrawing from all courses, please go to Option 3 (Leave of Absence) or Option 4 (University Withdrawal) instead.
- After the drop period, you may withdraw during the first 12 weeks of the semester (see withdrawal deadlines for shorter terms).
- Withdrawn courses appear on the transcript with a 'W' grade, but do not impact the GPA.
- Freshmen in their first semester are required to connect with an advisor to withdraw from a course.
Tuition & Fees
- You must withdraw by the refund deadline to receive a full or partial refund for tuition and fees.
- Full-time students do not have charges adjusted for individual course withdrawals.
Financial Aid
- Student aid is not adjusted if withdrawing after Freeze Date of the semester; this assumes that you still remain enrolled in other courses the term.
- If withdrawing before the Freeze Date, aid is adjusted based on your revised registration.
- Student loans will not be reduced or cancelled if remaining enrolled at least half-time.
- Grants and scholarships may be prorated or cancelled if dropping below full-time status.
- Half-time is 6 credits undergraduate or 4.5 credits graduate; full-time is 12 credits undergraduate or 9 credits graduate.
Missed the Deadline?
If you encountered extraordinary circumstances that prevented you from meeting deadlines, please submit a Course Withdrawal Appeal to your instructor no later than the last day of classes (i.e. the day prior to final exam week in fall/spring or the last day of the term in summer/winter) to discuss a late withdrawal.
How to Withdraw from a Class (video 0m33s):
- Go to MySCSU
- Select Banner Student
- Records and Registration
- Registration and Schedule Planner
- To drop a course, click Current Schedule, Edit Schedule, change the status to Withdraw, click Save.
Note: If you have a registration hold, please email Registrar@SouthernCT.edu with your student ID and the subject and course number that you would like to withdraw from on your schedule.
If you need to take time off from your studies, but plan to return within 12 months, you may elect to take a leave of absence. You should consult with your instructor and academic adviser to understand your options for completing the semester before taking a leave. Please review this information before taking any action:
- After the drop period has ended, if the leave form is submitted during the first 12 weeks of the semester (or within the withdrawal deadlines for shorter terms), you will be withdrawn from all in-progress courses. Withdrawn courses appear on the transcript with a 'W' grade, but do not impact the GPA.
- If the form is submitted after the withdrawal deadline, instructors will assign final grades for the courses.
Tuition & Fees
- You must take a leave by the refund deadline to receive a full or partial refund for tuition and fees.
Financial Aid
- A financial aid recalculation will be performed based on the number of days you attended in the semester.
- You are responsible for any remaining balance on your account due to changes in your financial aid.
Other Helpful Information
- Residential students must vacate your residence hall within 48 hours of submitting your leave form.
- If you do not return within 12 months, you will be withdrawn from the university.
- You must submit a Transfer Credit Approval before registering for classes at another institution.
- Graduate students must complete all degree requirements within a six-year time frame (or seven-years for doctoral students), including any periods of leave.
How to submit a Leave Option form
Complete the University Withdrawal/Leave Option Form.
Missed the Deadline?
You may submit an Appeal Form to Registrar@SouthernCT.edu within 30 days following the end of the semester under appeal. To be eligible for an appeal, you must:
- Have filed a Leave option form and no longer be enrolled for the semester under appeal.
- Demonstrate that extraordinary circumstances (see details below) required your withdrawal.
If you plan to leave, without the intention of returning, you should formally withdraw from the university. You should consult with your instructor and academic adviser to understand your options for completing the semester before permanently withdrawing. Please review this information before taking any action:
- After the drop period has ended, if the withdrawal form is submitted during the first 12 weeks of the semester (or within the withdrawal deadlines for shorter terms), you will be withdrawn from all in-progress courses. Withdrawn courses appear on the transcript with a 'W' grade, but do not impact the GPA.
- If the form is submitted after the withdrawal deadline, instructors will assign final grades for the courses.
Tuition & Fees
- You must withdraw by the refund deadline to receive a full or partial refund for tuition and fees.
Financial Aid
- A financial aid recalculation will be performed based on the number of days you attended in the semester.
- You are responsible for any remaining balance on your account due to changes in your financial aid.
Other Helpful Information
- Residential students must vacate your residence hall within 48 hours of submitting your withdrawal form.
How to submit a University Withdrawal
Complete the University Withdrawal/Leave Option Form.
Missed the Deadline?
You may submit an Appeal Form to Registrar@SouthernCT.edu within 30 days following the end of the semester under appeal. To be eligible for an appeal, you must:
- Have filed a university withdrawal form and no longer be enrolled for the semester under appeal.
- Demonstrate that extraordinary circumstances (see details below) required your withdrawal.
Each option above offers an appeal process for students who may have missed the original deadline to drop, withdraw, or take of leave of absence.
Appeals may be considered for the following extraordinary circumstances:
- Severe illness or medical emergency (doctor's note required)
- Military transfer or activation of military orders for more than 30 consecutive days (copy of transfer/orders required)
- Administrative error (documentation required to support the request)
- Change in employment situation (documentation from employer required)
- Childcare issues (documentation from childcare provider required)
- Death in immediate family (copy of death certificate or obituary required)
Appeals will NOT be considered for the following circumstances:
- Misunderstanding of class meeting schedule
- Misunderstanding of drop or withdrawal deadlines or process
- Inability to transfer a course to another institution
- Normal illness or conditions of chronic illness or other health condition that remain unchanged and were known to the student at the time of registration
- Transportation issues
- Change of mind by student regarding course selection
- Dissatisfaction with course content, instructor, or grade
- Change of major