To receive electronic refunds within 3-5 business days, instead of receiving a refund by check mailed to the address on file within 14 calendar days, sign up here for direct deposit to your bank account:
- Go to login.southernct.edu
- Banner Student
- Bill and Payment
For students who withdraw/drop from a course(s) or the university, please see the policies below for the time periods where a cancellation of charges may be applicable, or you may visit the Calendar for all course registration and withdrawal deadline information.
Regulations established by the Board of Regents for the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities govern the refund of tuition and other fees at Southern Connecticut State University. Full-time students who wish to receive a refund must withdraw formally from the university. Full-time students are not entitled to a refund for courses individually dropped. It is the student's responsibility to withdraw online through their Banner Student account. These policies exclude the effect of the return of financial aid and veteran benefits due to withdrawal, which may then result in the student owing a balance due to the University, the government, or both.
For the purpose of this policy, a school term may be defined as the period of time with specific start and end dates, during which the University holds classes. Multiple terms of different lengths may exist within any given semester or intersession. The amount of refund is based on the date the student withdraws from the term, not on whether the student attended classes or on how many classes the student attended.
Upon withdrawal from the University up to, but not including, the first day of the term,
as defined by the published University calendar, 100% of the term charges will be cancelled;
- 90% of term charges will be cancelled during the first week of the term,
- 60% of term charges will be cancelled during the second week of the term,
- 40% of term charges will be cancelled during the third and fourth weeks of the term,
- No cancellation of charges after the fourth week of the term.
Note: The tuition, university general fee, university fee, transportation fee, student activity fee, and media fee are all subject to the refund policy. All other fees are considered non-refundable. Online programs follow the same refund schedule above.
Regulations established by the Board of Regents for the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities govern the refund of tuition and other fees at Southern Connecticut State University. Part-time students who wish to receive course refunds must formally withdraw from the course(s). It is the student's responsibility to withdraw online through their Banner Student account. These policies exclude the effect of the return of financial aid and veteran benefits due to withdrawal, which may then result in the student owing a balance due to the University, the government, or both.
For the purpose of this policy, a school term may be defined as the period of time with specific start and end dates, during which the University holds classes. Multiple terms of different lengths may exist within any given semester or intersession. The amount of refund is based on the date the student withdraws from the term, not on whether the student attended classes or on how many classes the student attended.
Courses 8 weeks or greater in length
- 100% of term charges will be cancelled during the first week of the term,
- 60% of term charges will be cancelled during the second week of the term,
- 40% of term charges will be cancelled during the third and fourth weeks of the term,
- No refund after the fourth week of the term.
Courses 3 to 7 weeks in length
- 100% of term charges will be cancelled during the first 3 calendar days of the term,
- 60% of term charges will be cancelled during the fourth, fifth, sixth calendar day of the term,
- 40% of term charges will be cancelled during the seventh, eighth, ninth calendar day of the term,
- No cancellation of charges after the ninth calendar day of the term.
Courses less than 3 weeks in length
- 100% of term charges will be cancelled during the first 2 calendar days of the term,
- 60% of term charges will be cancelled during the third and fourth calendar day of the term,
- No cancellation of charges after the fourth calendar day of the term.
Ed.D. Professional Seminar
75% of term charges will be cancelled within the first 2 calendar days of the term,
No cancellation of charges thereafter.
Note: Online courses follow the same refund schedules above. The tuition, general university fee, transportation fee, and intersession course fee are all subject to the refund policy. All other fees are considered non-refundable, except that the Registration Fee will be refunded in cases where the university cancels a course.