Title IX / Sexual Misconduct
Southern Connecticut State University is highly committed to providing you with an educational experience that is academically and socially enriching. In line with this mission, we enforce Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 which prohibits acts of sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual exploitation and stalking) at educational institutions. To report sexual misconduct students should contact Paula Rice, Title IX Coordinator, Office of Diversity and Equity, at (203) 392-5491and/or the Office of Student Conduct and Civic Responsibility, at (203) 392-7220, and/or University Police at (203) 392-5375 or 911for emergencies. Further information including your Title IX rights and reporting procedures visit the Title IX website and/or the Support and Resource Team (S.A.R.T.) website. For 24/7 Advocacy, please contact the University's Victim Advocate at (203) 687-1252. The Violence Prevention, Victim Advocacy and Support (VPAS) Center, located in Schwartz Hall, room 100, is available for assistance or any questions regarding support and advocacy.