Curriculum-Related Grants

This grant opportunity is open to all full-time faculty.


Submission of Project Proposals 2024-2025

Call for Proposals and Evaluation Rubric

Proposals must be submitted via the Kuali Build platform. Electronic approvals by CO-PI’s and department chairperson(s) must be received within three business days of the deadline.

After submission, CO-PI’s and chairperson(s) will receive an email from Kuali requesting approval of the proposal. To indicate approval, simply click on the link provided in the email, which will open the Kuali website where approval can be indicated. Please note: If the principal proposer and the CO-PI are from the same department, the chairperson will need to approve/acknowledge each request. For example, if the principal proposer is from Art, and the CO-PI is also from Art, the chairperson of Art will receive two approval requests for the same proposal: one for the principal proposer and one for the CO-PI. Failure to approve the proposal will prevent it from being submitted for review. It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit the proposal on time and to ensure all acknowledgements by CO-PI(s) and chairperson(s).

For joint-proposals: Collaborative projects will require a budget justification for each CO-PI. If a CO-PI received a CRAG in a previous cycle and has not yet turned in the report, the report may be uploaded either during the initial submission of the proposal by the lead faculty member, or during the electronic approval process by the CO-PI(s). 

Proposals must be submitted via Kuali no later than Monday, March 18, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.



For information on disbursement of grant funds, please contact Sponsored Programs and Research, at Please note that spending AAUP funds in any way that goes against state, university, or solicitation-specific guidelines may jeopardize a faculty member's eligibility for future funding. 


Submission of Grant Reports

A final report on curriculum-related project outcomes and expenditures must be filed upon completion. The Project Report Form should be used as the template for all final reports. The Request for an Extension Form should be used as the template in the event extenuating circumstances hinder progress on the project. All extensions are subject to administrative approval. Please Note: Any funds unaccounted for shall be returned to the university and be added to the allocation for the competition in the following year.


2023-24 Grant Recipients

Adimando, Andrea. Nursing. Increasing enrollment and addressing the Nurse Faculty shortage through program consolidation and improvements.

Axon, Stephen, Emma Cross and Miriah Kelly. Advancing a skills-based and career-oriented MS program focused on coastal adaptation, climate resilience, and sustainability practices.

Benes, Sarah. Health & Movement Sciences. Integrating Racial Literacy, Anti-Racism & Equity and Justice into the School Health Education Master's Program.

Bordner, Kelly, Psychology, and Rachel Jeffrey, Biology. Creation of new IDS major in Behavioral Neuroscience.

Carrigan, Braxton, Owen Biesel, and Andrew Bartlett. Mathematics. Mathematics of U.S. Democracy.

deLisle, Lee. Recreation, Tourism & Sport Management. Hospitality & Event Management Certificate Program.

Engel, Russell, James Aselta and Janet Phillips. Accounting. Developing a Master of Science Degree in Accounting and Taxation: A Proposal.

Gregory, Jess. Educational Leadership & Policy Studies. EDL Clinical Experience Redevelopment.

Lockwood, Heidi. Philosophy. Developing a Tier 2 LEP Creative Drive course on Rage and Forgiveness.

Lopez-Velasquez, Angela. Special Education. Language Difference and Language Disability: An Enriching Interdisciplinary Course to Prepare Future Teachers to Address the Needs of Multilingual Learners with Learning Disabilities.

Podnar, Hrvoje and Ata Elahi. Computer Science. IoT (Internet of Things) Curriculum and Teaching Material Development.

Roe, Sarah, History, and Julia Irwin, Psychology. Science and Technology Studies: A master's program for the next generation of scientists.

Savelli, Melanie. Communication, Media & Screen Studies. Leadership Communication: Tier 2 Mind and Body.

Schmitt, Elena and Anastasia Sorokina. World Languages & Literature. Developing a New Bachelor's Degree in TESOL with Initial Teacher Certification.

Strong, Amanda. Healthcare Systems and Innovations. It's Not You, It's Me: Reasons Why Medical Terminology is Separating from Introduction to Health Professions.

Wall, Alison. Management & International Business. Updating the Human Resource Management Curriculum.

Wieland, Alice, Management & International Business, and Amy Jansen, Library Services. Development of new required course for the new minor and certificate in Women's Leadership starting Fall 2023 - MGT 315 Gender, Leadership and Management.