CSU Research Grants
2025-2026 Award Cycle
Request for Proposals, Guidelines and Application for 2025-26 Award Cycle
We are pleased to announce that proposals are now welcome for submission for the 2025-2026 CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grant Competition.
Please be advised that there is a different submission process unique to our campus. Rather than submit in the manner described in Item #6 under “Proposal Components and Rules for Submission” (p.4 of the Guidelines posted above), you are asked to submit via the Kuali Build portal. Please read the instructions on how to submit via Kuali carefully and should you have any questions on submitting through Kuali or need troubleshooting, please contact Sponsored Programs and Research at spar@southernct.edu.
Deadline is Friday, January 24, 2025, no later than 5:00 p.m.
Please note that spending AAUP funds in any way that goes against state, university, or solicitation-specific guidelines may jeopardize a faculty member's eligibility for future funding.
As of 2018, Southern Connecticut State University is a subscriber to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program. CITI offers free educational training to all SCSU faculty, staff and students in the areas of best practices for responsible conduct of research, ethics, conflict of interest and regulatory oversight.
The Office of the Provost, in conjunction with the Office of Research Integrity and in light of our institution’s continued adherence to the Federal Research Misconduct Policy, highly recommends that all institutional members conducting any type of research establish an account with CITI and complete the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course(s) that are best suited to their discipline.
The options currently available are:
- Biomedical Responsible Conduct of Research
- Responsible Conduct of Research for Engineers
- Humanities Responsible Conduct of Research
- Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research
- Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research
All educational courses in RCR contain modules on authorship, collaboration, conflicts of interest, data management, mentoring, peer review, research misconduct and plagiarism. CITI Certifications are valid for three years. Faculty are also encouraged to use CITI training materials with students in relevant classroom instruction and for mentoring.
It is required that all faculty members with research funding from both external and internal sources will maintain RCR training (including AAUP-CSU Research and Creative Activity Grants). We strongly encourage faculty members to familiarize themselves with CITI and the SCSU ORI Policies and Procedures and to contact the SCSU Office of Research Integrity at ORI@southernct.edu or 392-5243 with any questions or concerns. Information on these policies can be found here: https://inside.southernct.edu/rpp/educational-resource
Information on the SPAR website (including information on the CITI login procedures) is located here: https://inside.southernct.edu/spar/citi
Researchers engaged in activities involving human subjects, vertebrate animals, or bio-hazardous materials are required to complete additional CITI training per requirements established by the IRB, IACUC or IBC Committees, respectively.
Submission of Grant Reports
A final report describing the results of the research along with a detailed account of fund expenditures must be filed with Faculty Development no later than June 30, 2025, for the 2024-25 award cycle. The Project Report Form should be used as the template for all final reports. The Request for an Extension Form should be used as the template in the event extenuating circumstances hinder progress on the project. All extensions are subject to administrative approval. Please Note: Any funds unaccounted for shall be returned to the university and be added to the allocation for the competition in the following year.
The following projects have been recommended and approved by the BOR for funding for the 2024-25 award cycle.
Please Note: Work on these projects may not begin until July 1, 2024.
(If any information is incorrect, please notify Faculty Development at facultydevel@southernct.edu.)
Abe, JoAnn A. Psychology. Further Inquiries into Political Preferences and Polarization.
Al Seesi, Sahar. Computer Science. Calling Somatic Variants from Single Cell Sequencing Data.
Andoh, Samuel K. Economics. Regional Integration: Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS).
Archambault, Mary Jo (Recreation, Tourism, & Sport Management) & Tarah Loy-Ashe (Healthcare Studies & Innovation). Recreational Therapists' Perceptions of Aging.
Badr, Kauther S. (Management & International Business) & Robert Smith (Management & International Business). Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Regulatory Environment, and Business Ethics.
Barboza, Meghan L. Biology. Microanatomic study of the marine mammal trachea.
Barnes, Ericka C. Chemistry & Biochemistry. Characterization of the Adsorptive Properties of Biochar for Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide.
Bessenoff, Gayle R. Psychology. Examining Social Behavior in the Online Fighting Video Game Community (FGC).
Birz, Gene (Finance & Real Estate) & Sandip Dutta (Finance & Real Estate). Real Estate News, Sentiment, and REIT Performance: Real Estate Sector Analysis.
Bordner, Kelly B. (Psychology) & Rachel Jeffery (Biology). Effects of Early Prenatal THC Exposure on Subsequent Addiction, Anxiety, and Social Behaviors in the Rat.
Brady, Steven P. Biology. Salted Roads and Bloated Frogs.
Brownell, Mia. Art & Design. Garden Holding.
Chandler, Jeremy N. Art & Design. Terra Incognita: Creating and Exhibiting Lens-Based Artwork.
Chen, Qu. Counseling/School Psychology. Counselor Training in Treating Borderline Personality Disorder: A Systematic Review.
Chevan, David. Music. Our Slave Songs: From Exodus to Emancipation.
Chung, Hanyong. Accounting. Effect of CEO Successor's Board Experience on Firm Performance and Value.
Coca, Adiel. Chemistry & Biochemistry. Antibacterial and Anticancer Study of Tetrazole Derivatives.
Cochenet, Gregory G. Art & Design. The Final Construction and Firing of a Sodium Vapor Kiln.
Cook, Barbara A. Communication Disorders. In-vivo Teletherapy Caregiver Training to Promote the Use of a Speech Generating Device for Communication.
Cooper Boemmels, Jennifer R. Earth Science. Understanding New England's Youngest Episode of Magmatism: Structural Analysis of the Cuttingsville Complex, Vermont.
Crawford, Sarah C. Biology. Analysis of the role of the innate immune system in brain cancer development in a research model of pediatric cancer, Drosophila melanogaster.
Cross, Emma. Environment, Geography and Marine Sciences. Determining environmental and biological indicators for natural spat collection to increase efficiencies to seed mussel aquaculture in the Northeast U.S.
Ding, Shibiao. Marketing. A Behavioral Investigation of Pricing Design in Investment Products.
Eilderts, Luke L. Word Language & Literature. LGBTQ+ Pride in Paris.
Ellis, Scott P. English. Susan Fenimore Cooper’s Ecological Consciousness: Environmental Experiences and Indigenous Influences.
Ferraro, Marisa E. Curriculum & Learning. Nurturing Time in Nature: Pedagogies that cultivate linguistic development and environmental stewardship among multilingual students.
Finch, Evan E. Physics. Probing Quantum Chromodynamics using data from Brookhaven National Lab.
Fluhr, Nicole. English. Vernon Lee's Alt-Archives.
Foss-Kelly, Louisa L (Counseling/School Psychology) & Margaret Generali (Counseling/School Psychology). The I-CARE Training Program for Counseling People Living in Poverty.
Furey, Rachel E. English. Just Hug Me (a Young Adult novel).
Gregory, Jess L. Educational Leadership & Policy Studies. Creation of a New, Quantitative Measure to Assess Follettian Power, Outward Mindset, and Educator Demoralization.
Groffman, Joshua B. Music. Book project: Home is a Fire: Music, Sound, and Environmental Ideology in New York's Hudson Valley.
Harry, Chelsea C. Philosophy. Why Aristotle Matters.
Haylon, Lisa S. Accounting. Contributing Factors in Research Productivity of Post Tenure Faculty.
Heidkamp, Christian P. Environment, Geography, & Marine. A Blue Economy Agenda for Greenland? Challenges and Opportunities.
Hoffler, Steven J. Social Work. Debunking the Myth of Black Fathers at the Intersections.
Islam, Mohammad T. Computer Science. Aesop Meets Dr. Seuss: Child-Friendly Visual Short Story Synthesis using Generative AI.
Jansen, Amy L. (Library Services) & Alice Wieland (Management & International Business). Gender, Benevolent Sexism, and Leadership Aspirations.
Johnson, Brian. English. Doodle: Image, Metaphor, and the Figures a Poem Makes.
Kalbfleisch, Elizabeth M. English. The Reading-Centered Writing Class: Theory and Practice.
Kearns, James K. Chemistry & Biochemistry. Can Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry be used to identify new natural products/antibiotic molecules for the treatment of Borrelia Burgdorferi (the Lyme Infection)?
Kelly, Miriah M. Environment, Geography, & Marine. Identifying needs, barriers, and co-solutions to growing sustainable aquaculture industries in small island developing nations: A Zanzibar, Tanzania case study.
Kim, Young K. (Marketing) & Melvin Prince (Marketing). Persistence of Transfer Student Enrollees in a Four-year College: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Kim, Hyoseok. Marketing. Philanthropic Gift-Giving and Recipient Appreciation.
Kulkarni, Atul A. Marketing. The feminine nature of sustainability.
Larkin, Erin K. Word Languages & Literature. The Italian Colony of New Haven: Translation and digital exhibition of a 1921 immigrant's survival guide to life in New Haven.
Lavin, Terrence. Art & Design. 3D Printed hydraulic dieforming and lasercut surface design in contemporary Jewelry & Metalsmithing.
Lesley, Melvin J. Chemistry & Biochemistry. Expanding the Scope of Breast Cancer Treatments at SCSU.
Lopez-Velasquez, Angela M. Special Education. Role-Playing Games and Bilingual Reading: An Intervention to Enhance the Spanish and English Reading of Pre-Service Teachers.
Marsoobian, Armen T. Philosophy. Exhibition Catalogue for “The Photographic Odyssey of the Dildilian Family: From Anatolia to the West”.
Milone, Joseph P (Recreation, Tourism, & Sport Management) & Debra Risisky (Public Health). Exploration of Linear Parks User's Perception of Health and Wellness.
Nguyen, Khoa H. Finance & Real Estate. Geopolitical Risk Exposure: The Case of the Aerospace and Defense Industry.
Njoku, Anuli. Public Health. Environmental Injustice and Global Health: Challenges and Solutions.
Olney, Patricia. Political Science. Trump, AMLO, and the 2024 Elections: Implications of the Tug-of-War between Strongmen and Rule of Law for U.S.-Mexico Relations.
Palma, Giuseppina. Word Languages & Literature. Pontano and the Renaissance at the Court of Aragon.
Pang, Jiong Dong. Chemistry & Biochemistry. Inhibitory Effects of Cannabinoid Compounds on Enzymes in Neurotransmission and Age-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Patalinghug, Jason C. Economics. Military Spending and Corruption in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Perumbilly, Sebastian A. Marriage & Family Therapy. Facilitating Parent's Personal Growth in Systemically-Focused Psychotherapy: Results from a Mixed Methods Study with Exploratory Sequential Design.
Randall, Regine E. Curriculum & Learning. Literacy Learning and Teaching in High School: What We Need to Know Now to Support Content Area Teachers and Improve Adolescents' Post-Secondary Readiness.
Richmond, Andrew M. English. Digitally Reading Medieval Literary Environments.
Roe, Sarah M. History. Biases in Qualitative Social Science: Understanding the Role of Bias in Disaster Commemoration, Collective Memory of Traumatic Events, and Reinterpretation across Generations.
Rogers, Michael J. Anthropology. Late Pleistocene and Holocene Archaeology at Gona, Ethiopia—A Continuation.
Ryder, Todd R. Chemistry & Biochemistry. Borono-Mannich Reactions of 1,3-Dihydroxyacetone.
Sawadogo, Wendemi. Public Health. Insomnia Symptoms and Vascular Risk Factors Control.
Schmitt, Elena G. Word Languages & Literature. Italian Immigration to Russia and Ukraine: A bird's eye view.
Schwendemann, Todd C. Physics. Development of a Thermal Programmed Desorption system by combining new and mature technology.
Serchuk, Camille. Art & Design. Map me a River: Fluvial Cartography in France, Flanders, and Germany, 1450-1600.
Sherwood, Carrie A. Curriculum & Learning. Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Supporting Students' Equitable Sensemaking in Science.
Singh, Amitkumar S. (Marketing) & Russell Engel (Accounting). Optimizing Collaborative Learning: A Study of In-Person and Online Team Dynamics.
Skoczen, Kathleen N. Anthropology. France and Plastics in the Anthropocene: An Ethnographic Case Study.
Slomba, Jeffrey T. Art & Design. Materializing the Virtual: New Digitally Designed and Fabricated Kinetic Sculptures.
Sorokina, Anastasia. World Languages & Literatures. Navigating Trilingual Proficiency: Insights from Ukrainian-Russian Bilinguals Acquiring English as a Third Language.
Soroya, Saira H. Information & Library Science. Exploring the Viability of Innovative Interventions for Enhancing Mental Well-being in Young Adults.
Tangbe, Praise E. (Health & Movement Sciences) & Wedemi Sawadogo (Public Health). Improving Maternal Health Among Black Women Through Culturally-Integrated Health Education and Behavioral Lifestyle Intervention: The Embrace Project Study.
Taylor, Derek R. Communication, Media, & Screen Studies. Photochemical Filmmaking Practices and the Rendering of Connecticut Landscape.
Vu, Thuan Q. Art & Design. Translating Vietnamese Imagery.
Wang, Junhong. Marketing. Decoding Consumer Ethnocentrism: Exploring Individual Identities and Attitudes toward Mega Sporting Events, Host Cities, and Sponsorship.
Wang, Zheni. Management & International Business. Rethink Motivation and Rewards: What We Know and Do Not Know.
Warner, Heather L. Communication Disorders. Best Practice in Swallowing Screening in the Frail Elderly Veteran Population.
Wasiuk, Peter A. (Communication Disorders) & Julia Irwin (Psychology). Spatial Cues and Speech-in-Speech Recognition in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Wei, Yan (Special Education) & Joan Weir (Special Education). Study of the Student Support System in a Teacher Preparation Program.
Weng, Miaowei. Word Languages & Literature. Negotiating “Chiñol” Identity: Second-Generation Chinese Immigrants in Spain.
Yang, Chulguen. Management & International Business. Using Contemplative Art Appreciation as a Consciousness-Raising Practice in Sustainable Development Management Education.
Yavuz, Olcay. Educational Leadership & Policy Studies. Empowering Gifted and Talented Children through Supporting Caregivers.
Yoon, Sang W. (Economics) & Younjun Kim (Economics). Disruptive Technological Changes from Dirty Sector and Environmental Sustainability.
Zal, Saeed. Marketing. The Effect of Server's Rapport on Tipping Intentions: The Moderating Role of E2E Incivility.