Reverse Transfer

Unlock Your Associate Degree with the Reverse Transfer Program!

We're excited to introduce you to an amazing opportunity: the Reverse Transfer Program. It's a pathway that could lead you to earning an associate degree from CT State Community College, using the credits you've already earned at Southern.

What's the Reverse Transfer Program?

The Reverse Transfer Program simplifies the process of transferring your Southern credits back to CT State Community College. This evaluation determines your eligibility for an associate degree. And guess what? You can still pursue your bachelor’s degree at Southern while potentially earning your associate degree simultaneously. To qualify, you must be a matriculated undergraduate student at Southern with at least 15 credits earned and have accumulated 45 credits at CT State Community College.

Why Should You Consider It?

Here's why this opportunity is worth your attention:

  1. Increases Likelihood of Completing Bachelor’s Degree: Studies show that earning an associate degree increases your chances of successfully completing your bachelor’s degree.
  2. Enhances Employability: An associate degree is a valuable asset on your resume, demonstrating your commitment to learning and improving your job prospects.

How to Get Started

Getting started is a breeze:

  1. Submit Your Application: Email your Reverse Transfer Application and SCSU transcript directly to
  2. Await Evaluation: Your completed courses will be assessed, considering the degree and residency requirements of CT State Community College.
  3. Receive Further Instructions: If you're eligible for an associate degree, you'll receive additional information from their office, along with contact details for any further queries.

Don't let your hard-earned credits go to waste—seize this opportunity to earn a valuable credential that could transform your career prospects.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, feel free to reach out to CT State. We're here to support you every step of the way.