Name, Gender, and Pronouns
Legal Name and Sex
Students may file a Personal Information Change to change their legal first name, legal last name, or legal sex (male/female), with supporting documentation.
Chosen Name
Current students may submit a chosen first name to be used that is different from their legal first name:
- Login to MySCSU
- Banner Student
- Records and Registration
- My Contact Information
- Make Updates and Submit
A chosen first name will replace a student's legal first name as it appears in on class rosters, unofficial transcripts, degree evaluations, email profiles, and mail logs/guest sign ins. Upon request at the Card Office, a chosen first name can be updated on the student's Hoot Loot ID card. Financial aid, bill statements, employment paperwork, and official transcripts will continue to display a student's legal name.
Gender Identity
Students may submit a Gender Identity (ex. female/woman) in Banner Student using the same steps outlined above for Chosen Name. Gender identity is not displayed for general access by faculty or staff.
Students may submit pronouns (ex. she/her/hers) using the same steps outlined above for Chosen Name. A student's personal pronouns currently appear in the Banner Student and Banner Faculty/Advisor self-service portals, including class rosters and degree evaluations.