Estimated Payment Plan
Southern Connecticut State University offers students and authorized users an opportunity to enroll in an estimated payment plan in cases where the bill and financial aid is either not yet finalized or available. This would allow the student to take advantage of more monthly payments over the course of the semester.
The payment plan is based on the student's estimated costs and financial aid. Once the bill is finalized, the payment plan will be readjusted to reflect the actual balance, which will cause the monthly payments to increase or decrease depending on the payment amount.
Students should utilize the Payment Plan Estimator to estimate the costs for their payment amounts. Students should enter the yearly amount if they have an estimate of their financial aid. The Semester Balance Due is then used to determine the estimated cost for the semester.

Important Considerations
The $45 enrollment fee is non-refundable. The Office of Financial Aid can provide students with an estimate of grants and loans that they may receive. Financial Aid can be reached at (203) 392-2522 or at financialaid@southernct.edu for assistance.
This payment plan is initially created based on the estimated tuition and financial aid, and possible housing charges that a student establishes when they enroll in the payment plan. If there are changes in registration or financial aid, this estimate may be too high or too low. When the estimated plan is transitioned to the finalized installment plan, it will recalculate based on the actual account balance.