Directory Information
Directory Information may be disclosed at the discretion the university without consent from the student for the purposes listed below. Students may request that the university not disclose their directory information (see Form). This will mark a student's record confidential, except that there can be no expectation that a student can remain anonymous within a class, even with the confidentiality indicator.
Purposes of access by school officials of the Colleges and Universities governed by the CT Board of Regents for Higher Education, the following is designated as Directory Information: student’s legal name, permanent mailing address, month and day of birth, photographs, student identification number, User ID, or other unique identifier, email address, telephone number, university or college previously attended or currently attending, dates of attendance, full vs. part-time student status, academic honors and awards, class standing/year, major, minor, concentration and/or program of study, degree(s)/certificate(s) candidacy, degree(s)/certificate(s) earned, previous institutions attended, graduation expected/completion dates.
Purposes of access by military recruiters only, the following is designated as Directory Information (Student Recruiting Information): student's legal name, permanent mailing address, email address issued by the institution, telephone number, age, place of birth, class standing/year, major and/or program of study, degrees received, most recent educational institution attended.
For purposes of participation in any recognized activity or sports, the following is designated as Directory Information: student's preferred name, city and state of residence, dates of attendance, class standing/year, recognized activity or sport, team performance statistics, team position, photos and videos, academic honors and awards, height and weight of athlete.
For purposes of disclosure to/access by the general public, the following is designated as Directory Information: student's preferred name, permanent mailing address, photographs, dates of attendance, major, minor, concentration and/or program of study, degree/certificate candidacy, degree(s)/certificate(s) earned, academic honors and awards, full vs. part-time status, anticipated graduation date, graduation date