Funding Your Education Abroad

Visit the Scholarships tab below for Scholarship Applications!

Students interested in studying abroad have the option of applying any financial aid they are awarded after submitting the Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA) to their semester abroad.  The same is true for any scholarships students are awarded.  In fact, the vast majority of our students fund at least a portion of their study abroad experience through scholarships and other aid, such as loans or grants. 

For many, the cost of their program and whether or not they qualify for financial aid is a determining factor in their decision to study abroad.  

Studying abroad as an "exchange" student - where students apply to one of Southern's exchange programs - offers what is often a more affordable alternative to "direct" study abroad, where students pay an affiliate institution/program or other approved third-party study abroad provider a flat fee which includes all tuition, housing, and meal plan expenses.  As "exchanges", students pay Southern's tuition and fees, and are waived the tuition and fees of the host university.  There are many different types of exchange arrangements.  We encourage students to attend a Study Abroad Information Session to learn more about these options.

Once a student has been accepted into a study abroad program, they need to begin thinking about their required budget. For students receiving financial aid, the budget, along with the student's Study Abroad Approval Form, must be completed and submitted to the OIE. It will then be sent to the Office of Financial Aid so that the student's aid package can be assessed.  The budget should be typed and in US dollars (alternatively, the host currency and US dollar amount can both be shown; we recommend conversions be done using, and should include all expenses the student will incur as a result of studying abroad: travel to and from host country, program fees, room and board, educational materials, local transportation, the mandatory SCSU $225.00 Study Abroad fee, along with other expenses.  Optional anticipated costs, such as vacations and souvenirs should not be included. The budget can either be submitted to the OIE as a hard copy or via email.

Specific questions about filing for financial aid or aid eligibility should be directed to the student's Financial Aid Officer. To contact Financial Aid at Southern, please call (203) 392-5222.

The costs associated with SCSU’s current long-term program options—direct and exchange—differ in a few major ways.

Students going abroad to one of our partner universities via an exchange will be expected to pay tuition to Southern, for the same price they would pay if they remained on campus here in New Haven. Housing and meals are paid to the host university. 

Direct study abroad programs are offered through Southern’s third-party partner organizations. Some service-learning programs also fall under this category. Students going direct will pay their program fees to the company sponsoring their program, rather to a university. These program fees often cover tuition, housing and meals, but each company is different. It’s best to discuss what the fees will and will not pay for with your OIE coordinator to determine what the actual cost of living abroad might be.

Always keep in mind the additional costs of airfare, visa fees, books, laundry, and living expenses abroad, as some program fees may not include them. Complete details can be found in the "Program Fees" or "Costs" section of your application if you're traveling through a third-party program.

Financial Aid and Scholarships are absolutely available for students who wish to study abroad for a semester or longer. Chances are, if you are receiving financial aid to study at SCSU for this semester, you are likely to receive some aid to study abroad!

Students commonly cite cost as one of the major roadblocks to studying abroad. To help applicants prepare for the financial realities of traveling and learning abroad, the Office of International Education requires any student going abroad for a semester or longer to create and submit a personalized budget. This budget should account for any expenses beyond tuition and housing. A complete budget might include the cost of books, food and any additional travel in the host country, though this is not a comprehensive list.

Short-term and faculty led programs include a student budget worksheet on their applications, so that students might better understand their financial obligations. Any items included on the worksheet are intended to help students visualize where they will spend their money, and how much they will need. The budget is not intended as a complete summary of costs.

Additionally, to better estimate what a student’s spending might resemble abroad, OIE suggests that he or she use a currency converter like OANDA to calculate current exchange rates.

Remember, your final budget may include all the listed items or it might not; you may want to include additional expenses in your planning. Be sure that you plan for any expense you can think of!

View Sample Budget Worksheet

Any Southern student who has submitted their FAFSA and is eligible to receive financial aid through the Office of Financial Aid may apply those funds to their study abroad experience. To determine eligibility, please contact your Financial Aid officer at (203) 392-5222, or via email at Your officer will be able to guide you on the best path to funding your education abroad. Please note that the Office of Financial Aid will request that you fill out and submit the Financial Aid Study Abroad Form before any funding can be disbursed.

The OIE also encourages students to scroll through the study abroad scholarship opportunities below.

Students attending SCSU on program-specific scholarships (such as students in the Honors College) or government benefits (such as GI Bill® funding for veterans or Pell Grants) are encouraged to make an appointment with the OIE to discuss how these funds can be applied.

SCSU Study Abroad Scholarships

Through the generosity of alumni, parents, and friends of the university, the SCSU Foundation manages scholarships that are available to both undergraduate and graduate students. Any undergraduate student with a minimum GPA of 2.0 who has completed 12 SCSU credits, or a graduate student who has a minimum GPA of 3.0 who has completed 9 SCSU credits, by the close of the Fall semester which precedes the opening of the spring application cycle, may apply. Awards will be applied to the following Fall and Spring student fee bills. Students will be notified regarding whether or not they received an award in early June.

Students may apply for the scholarships below by visiting SCSU Foundation Scholarships. The deadline is February 15.

  • International Studies Endowed Fund for Scholars
  • Grace Rowe International Travel Award
  • Paul J & John P. Cubeta Memorial Scholarship
  • Antoinette Carbone Tarini Memorial Scholarship
  • Laurie Tracey Scholarship

Additionally, the following scholarships are administered through the Office of International Education in cooperation with an SCSU college or department. Applications are linked below and available in the Office of International Education (EN A 220). Deadlines are rolling.

External Scholarships for Study Abroad

Fulbright Programs

Sponsored by the United States Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Fulbright Program provides merit-based funding for students, teachers, and professionals to undertake study, research, or teaching.

Eligible students can apply for funding in a number of areas, from digital storytelling to teaching English to serving in foreign government ministries.

Learn more

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Merit-based scholarships are offered to undergraduate and graduate students from the United States and Canada for studying in Germany.

Learn more