Summer in Sociology

Are you considering summer coursework to catch up or move your degree forward? The Department of Sociology at SCSU is offering a number of online asynchronous summer courses you should consider. The Department also offers internships, independent study, and research options through the summer months. If you want to work closely with a professor on an independent research project, please let your professor know!

Sociology Summer 2024 Courses

All courses are offered online asynchronously.

  • SOC 100-01 (50137) Introduction to Sociology with Dr. Kenty-Drane, runs 5/20-6/23
  • SOC 162-01 (50138) Introduction to Criminology with Dr. Michalsen, runs 7/1-8/4
  • SOC 201-01 (50591) Social Statistics with Dr. Lennon, runs 5/22-6/25
  • SOC 255-01 (50140) Methods of Social Research with Dr. Meyerhoffer, runs 5/20-6/23
  • SOC 260-01 (50141) Applied Social Theory with Dr. Meyerhoffer, runs 5/20-6/23
  • SOC 352-01 (50142) Comtemporary Issues in Criminology & Criminal Justice: Victimology with Dr. Michalsen, runs 7/01-8/04
  • SOC 353-01 (50143) Neighborhoods & Crime with Dr. Rodrigo, runs 5/20-6/23
  • SOC 490-01W (50145) *Seminar in Sociology with Dr. Pila, runs 5/20-6/30 (writing intensive)
  • SOC 529-01 (50146) Intersectionality & Social Justice with Dr. Kenty-Drane, runs 5/20-6/30 (Graduate Course)

Additional Course Offerings

Please contact your academic advisor to complete the paperwork for below courses.

  • SOC 397 Community Engagement Internship (3 cr)
  • SOC 497 Sociology Internship (3-6cr)
  • SOC 499 Independent Study (3-6cr)
  • HON 494 Honors Thesis Proposal (3cr)
  • HON 495 Honors Thesis (3cr)
  • SOC 594 Special Project in Sociology (3cr, graduate course)
  • SOC 590 Thesis Proposal in Sociology (3cr, graduate course)
  • SOC 591 Thesis Research in Sociology (3cr, graduate course)
  • SOC 600 Directed Independent Study & Research (3cr, graduate course)

Summer Registration

Registration is now open! If you don’t meet a course prerequisite, please email to request a course prerequisite override. 

Any Questions?

For more information about courses outside of sociology, registration, or financial aid, please check out Summer@Southern! If you have questions about a sociology course, please email