Frequently asked questions are noted below. If you need further assistance, please contact the Department of Sociology.
Log into Selection of Degree Program. Log in using your MySCSU ID/password to add/remove or make changes to your current your program of study. Step-by-step instructions to change your major or minor can be found in this document.
Core coursework in Sociology must be completed with a grade of "C" or better to fulfill the major requirement, therefore you may not take these courses for PASS/FAIL credit. Elective coursework in Sociology may be taken for PASS/FAIL credit. Instructions for PASS/FAIL are available online.
COVID Exemption to above policy: Sociology majors enrolled in sociology coursework in Spring 2020, Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 may have elected the Pass/Fail option for core or elective Sociology courses. A grade of PASS in a core or elective sociology courses in those three semeters will be applied to the corresponding degree evaluation category. Students who did not elect the PASS/FAIL option in core coursework in the major must have earned a grade of "C" or better to fulfill the corresponding degree evaluation category in those three semesters.
Sociology majors are not required to complete an internship. SOC 497 Sociology Internship is one of 3 options students may select to fulfill the major capstone requirement. Students may choose to do 3-6 credit internships. Internship information is available online.
A senior in good standing, with at least a 3.0 GPA, may take graduate courses for graduate credit to
meet undergraduate requirements or to apply graduate courses to a master 's degree at a later time,
with the presentation of a completed "Petition for Irregular Schedule." Additional information can be found in the graduate catalog.
Click here for instructions on how to register for a graduate course as an undergraduate student.