Sociology Advising
Advising Information
Welcome to Sociology! All new majors are encouraged to meet with the department chair upon joining the program. All majors and minors are also encouraged to meet with their assigned advisor upon joining the major or minor and each semester thereafter.
Assigned Advisors
New sociology students are connected to Sociology faculty advisors at the beginning of their first semester with the major. Your current faculty advisor is listed on your Degree Evaluation. You can contact the Sociology Department if you do not know your assigned advisor. Once you learn who your assigned advisor is, please view the Faculty Advisor Office Hours page to determine how to arrange one-on-one advising with your assigned advisor.
- First semester freshman should meet with their INQ professor for academic advising this fall.
- Second semester Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors should meet with their assigned faculty advisor for one-on-one advising/registration PIN each semester.