Sociology Message from Chairperson
Dear Friends and Prospective Students,
Welcome to the Department of Sociology at Southern Connecticut State University. We dedicate ourselves to helping you explore social life in a way that inspires both your interests, your curiosity and your passion for a better world. Our graduates work in the justice system, education, social welfare, and health systems in both the public and private sectors. Our graduate program provides advanced study for students with a variety of interests and careers. Most of our graduate students focus on finding solutions to social problems and some go on to pursue a terminal degree in Sociology.
We embrace and promote what C. Wright Mills called the “Sociological Imagination”, the ability to see and understand social forces at work, both globally and in everyday life. The challenges that will face us ten years from now are still unknown, but the tools for understanding them can be learned today. Whatever your plans, I encourage you to explore Sociology at Southern. Maybe you will be the defining difference in a changing world.
Chair, Department of Sociology