Free Electives - Choose SOC!
All Southern students have the opportunity to select FREE ELECTIVE coursework to ensure they meet the minimum credit requirement for their program of study. Students are encouraged to take FREE ELECTIVE coursework in areas of interest to them. Students may also use FREE ELECTIVES to complete a minor or certificate program, prepare for graduate studies (e.g. MSW, pre-Law or pre-Med), or prepare for a career (e.g. grant writing, social science research, community organizing, etc…).
Whatever your interests, we know the Department of Sociology likely offers a course or two that might be a great fit for your FREE ELECTIVE course requirement. Below is a list of Sociology coursework by theme. You may use any of the following courses for your FREE ELECTIVES *if* you have not already applied said course to a requirement in the LEP or major. Please contact sociology@southernct.edu if you have questions or need assistance choosing a FREE ELECTIVE!
What FREE ELECTIVE courses does Sociology offer?
Special Topics Courses:
- SOC 352-01 (50142) Victimology (Su'24)
- SOC 398-01 (12777) Immigrant America (F'24)
- SOC 398-02 (12778) Popular Culture (F'24)
Introductory Courses
- SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 162 Introduction to Criminology
- SOC 211 Social Problems
Social Institutions
- SOC 267 Sociology of Sport
- SOC 322 Sociology of Family
- SOC 344 Medical Sociology
Children & Families
- SOC 320 Sociology of Children and Childhood
- SOC 322 Sociology of Family
- SOC 338 Juvenile Delinquency
- SOC 345 Aging & the Aged
Gender Studies
- SOC 215 Women in Society
- SOC 216 Men's Studies
- SOC 315 Sociology of Gender
- SOC 404 Gender and the Law
- SOC 415 Contemporary Feminist Theories
Race & Racism
- SOC 213 Introduction to Racial Intersectional Justice
- SOC 310 Race & Racism
- SOC 410 Systemic Racism in the United States *NEW!*
Social Inequality & Stratification
- SOC 211 Social Problems in the U.S.
- SOC 363 Social Inequality in the U.S.
- SOC 367 Criminal Justice and Social Inequality
Communities and Community Engagement
- SOC 235 Environmental Sociology
- SOC 353 Neighborhoods & Crime
- SOC 361 Urban Sociology
- SOC 397 Community Engagement Internship
Criminology, Criminal Justice & Law
- SOC 162 Introduction to Criminology
- SOC 266 Socialization & Social Control
- SOC 272/PHI 272 Ethics of Policing *NEW!*
- SOC 334 Probation, Parole, Pardon
- SOC 338 Juvenile Delinquency
- SOC 350 Drugs & Society
- SOC 352 Contemporary Issues in Criminology & Criminal Justice *NEW!*
- SOC 353 Neighborhoods and Crime
- SOC 362 Criminological Theory
- SOC 366 Penology
- SOC 367 Criminal Justice & Social Inequality
- SOC 368 Sociology of Law
- SOC 404 Gender and the Law
Social Science Research
- SOC 201 Social Statistics
- SOC 255 Methods of Social Research
- SOC 473 Qualitative Research Methods
- SOC 490 Seminar in Sociology
Social Theory
- SOC 265 Self & Society
- SOC 260 Applied Social Theory
- SOC 415 Contemporary Feminist Theories