Graduate Assistantships
Department of Sociology Graduate Assistant: Each year the Department of Sociology requests funding to support one part-time Graduate Assistant. This GA is hired by the current Graduate Coordinator to work for 10 hours/ week through the semester. Students are paid a stipend and may also apply for a fee waiver. GA's work on assigned duties and tasks to support the undergraduate and graduate Sociology programs. Interested students should contact the Graduate Coordinator to learn more. For information on compensation and fee waivers for Graduate Assistants, click here.
University-wide Graduate Assistant Positions: Open GA positions across the university are posted online here. Position openings are most likely to be posted in the semester prior to the employment semester.
Graduate Studies Graduate Assistantship (GSGA): GSGA’s are non-need-based awards administered through the School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS). Students may apply for one of two types of awards: teaching assistantship or research assistantship. Awards are competitive, requiring students meet eligibility requirements, submit an official application, and secure a faculty mentor. Applications for the upcoming academic year are due each March. Further information is available online, click here.
Research Funding, Conference Travel & Research Space
The Graduate Student Affairs Committee makes funds available for matriculated graduate students who are in good standing to conduct research and attend or present at conferences. Further information is available online, click here.
Additionally, the Department of Sociology provides students with data collection technology (e.g. recording equipment, transcription equipment, software, computers) and physical space to work within the Research Lab (EN C016), Student Computer Lounge (EN C017), and Department Conference Room (EN C024). Please check in with the main office (EN C011) to access available resources and spaces.
Graduate Student Affairs Committee (GSAC)
The Graduate Student Affairs Committee (GSAC) is a student committee comprised of a variety of students from the various programs within the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. All graduate students are welcome at meetings and are encouraged to participate!