Catalog Year Change Request for COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJORS ONLY
In the Fall of 2023 and 2024, significant changes were made to the LEP and all undergraduate CS majors (CIS, CS-General, and Accelerated 4+1). The changes might provide students with fewer required credits and allow for more flexibility/options. To take advantage of these changes, students must request to have their Catalog Year changed. This change is not reversible. For some students (especially seniors), this change will have no effect on their graduation completion date.
What do you mean by "Catalog Year"?
When a student first joins SCSU, they are enrolled under the incoming semester's catalog year (ie. Fall 2022). The catalog year is like a contract between the student and the university. Whatever the major requirements are at the time the student enters SCSU, he/she must meet the requirements listed in the catalog. If the department changes the curriculum (and say, adds new required courses), the student is not required to meet the new curriculum. However, there are times when a student might want to change their catalog year because there might be a reduced number of requirements in the new program. That is the case with the changes made in Fall 2023 and Fall 2024.
I want to change my Catalog Year to Fall 2023 or Fall 2024. What should I do?
There are 3 important steps you must complete to request a change to your catalog year. They are listed below:
- Use the "Should I Change My Catalog Term?" tool
- Do a WHAT-IF comparison again your current Catalog Year
- Email the Department Chairperson, Dr. Lancor at (and CC the secretary Shante Nichols at requesting a Change of Catalog year. Be sure to include "Change of Catalog Year Request" in the Subject field of your email and make sure you state WHAT CATALOG YEAR YOU WANT TO CHANGE TO (e.g. Fall 2023 or Fall 2024).
What if I am unsure if I should change my catalog year. What should I do?
Meet with your advisor. Your advisor is familiar with the changes and can help you with your decision.
Once I send an email to Dr. Lancor requesting to change your Catalog Year, when will I see the change on my degree evaluations?
After you email Dr. Lancor (Chairperson of the CS Department), she will review your email request and submit a form to the Registrar's Office which will approve and process the change. You will then see the catalog year change on your degree evaluation. Please allow 3-5 business days for this process to be completed. It often takes less time than this however, if after 5 days you do not see the change, please contact Dr. Lancor.