Computer Science for CT (CS4CT)
The Computer Science Department has been a long-time advocate for promoting the national and statewide initiatives to bring computer science education to K-12. Our partnerships with CSTA-CT, NCWIT and our active involvement with ACM's SIG-CSE, support our commitment to broadening participation in computer science. By providing an inclusive environment for all individuals interested in pursuing careers in computing, we not only produce a diverse pool of computer scientists, but citizens who have computational thinking skills can use their skills to solve complex problems in any field they choose to pursue.
Department Offerings
We currently offer the following programs:
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- CS-General - Our signature ABET accredited program
- Computer Information Systems
- Master Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Data Science (jointly offered with the Math Department)
Coming Soon....
- Sixth Year Certificate in Computer Science Education
- Graduate Certificate in Computer Science Fundamentals
- Graduate Certificate in Data Science
- Master of Science in Data Science
What our students say about our program...
The Computer Science Department at SCSU gave me the keys to my own future. I came to college with an interest in computers and I am leaving with a career. I found inspiration in the boundless possibilities of Computer Science, mentorship in the passion from my professors, and growth in the transformative classes and the challenges they provided. I leave confidently and ready for the future this education has granted me. --B. Smith '20
Student Highlight...
Tiffanie Edwards, Winner of the 2020 NCWIT Aspirations in Computing, Collegiate Award, (Check out more of our NCWIT initiatives).
Department News...
- SCSU' Computer Science Department selected as NCWIT Pacesetters
- Meet our Faculty and learn about their Research & Publications
- Mobile CSP
Upcoming Events...
Stay Tuned for our Computer Science Education programs....
It is almost here!! Our Computer Science Education Cross Endorsement program as well as a Sixth Year certificate in Computer Science Education. We are excited to unveil these new programs that will support the in-service teachers who are as excited as we are about computer science education. Stay tuned....