WLT Certification: Undergraduate
B.S. In World Language with Teaching Certification Grades 7-12
The following information is a summary of requirements for initial (undergraduate) certification in world language teaching, State of Connecticut grades 7-12. Please download, read, and refer to the full, official requirements in the Undergraduate WL-Cert Student Handbook (pdf). To inquire further about the program or to set up the initial department interview (see below), please contact the Coordinator of World Language Teacher Certification, Dr. Jesse Gleason: gleasonj8@southernct.edu.
Summary of Requirements
The world language teacher certification program at Southern is based on the C.A.L.L. developed by the College of Education, and uses a four-gate system. In addition, program progress, coursework, and student teaching is assessed using ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language), InTASC (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium), and CCCL (Connecticut Common Core of Learning) professional development standards.
C.A.L.L. is an acronym which stands for Collaborating, Applying, Leading and Learning. Each certification candidate must pass through a set of four gates to complete his/her certification program; these gates consist of:
- Entry into the certification program
- Midpoint evaluation in the program
- Pre-student teaching in the program
- Completion of the program
Gate 1: Entry into The Certification Program
- Enrollment and progress towards B.A. or B.S. in French, German, Italian, or Spanish.
- Course Requirements: EDU 200, WLL 211, world language courses at 200-level with B- or higher
- Overall GPA Requirements (including outside coursework): 2.7
- CT Praxis I Exam: pass or waiver
- Two Letters of Recommendation, one from WL professor or teacher
- Admission Essay
- Department Interview with WL Certification faculty, leading to application to the College of Education
Gate 2: Midpoint Evaluation In The Program
- Progress towards B.A. or B.S. in French, Italian, or Spanish.
- Course Requirements: EDU 316, EDU 413, EDU 471, RDG 470, SED 482, SHE 203, WLL 403, (C or higher), world language courses at 300-level with B- or higher
- Overall GPA Requirements (including outside coursework): 2.7; ≥2.0 in world language courses
Gate 3: Pre-Student Teaching In The Program
- Progress towards B.A. or B.S. in French, Italian, or Spanish.
- Course Requirements: WLL 491 (including lab, semester immediately preceding student teaching)
- Overall GPA Requirements (including outside coursework): 2.7; ≥2.7 in world language courses
- ACTFL OPI and WPT tests in the target language: advanced low proficiency level (http://www.languagetesting.com)
- Application for student teaching
Gate 4: Program Completion
- Progress and completion of B.A. or B.S. in French, Italian, or Spanish.
- Course Requirements: WLL 452 (Student Teaching), WLL 453
- Overall GPA Requirements (including outside coursework): 2.7; ≥2.7 in world language courses
- Student Teaching with the cooperating teacher; three successful observations by supervisor
- Completed EdTPA portfolio
- Program completion, leading to official State of Connecticut certification