World Languages and Literatures Helpful Tools
A. Platforms, Programs and Apps for Language Learning and Teaching
SchoolShape - A platform for designing online listening, speaking, reading and writing exercises
Glogster - A platform for building multimedia electronic posters
Lingt - A platform for designing online exercises, particularly oral exercises or tests
Quia - A platform for designing online exercises and games
VoiceThread - A platform for conducting group projects and presentations
BB Learn 9 Kaltura Media Tool - A tool for creating audio and video files in BB Learn 9
Quizlet - A program for creating electronic flashcards, vocabulary tests and games
Reflector - A program for projecting an iPad or iPhone to the screen - a software version of AppleTV
Recorder Pad - An App for voice recording on iPads
Extra Voice Recorder - An App for voice recording on iPads
Puffin browser - a Flash-enabled browser for iPads
Polaris Office - iPad versions of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
Padlet - a program for collaboration on iPads
Kahoot - a game-based online learning platform
BlueJeans - a video conferencing tool
WebEX - a synchronous online teaching platform
Google Classroom - a Google product for class activity and assignment management
B. Equipment
Green Screen (in EN D151) - used with iMovie to create class video projects
AppleTV (with iPad lab) - used to project an iPad or iPhone to the screen
Flip Camera - portable video camera
VHS Converter (in EN B131) - used to convert VHS tapes to digital files
Turntable Converter (In EN D155) - used to convert records to digital files
C. Platforms, Programs, Apps and Equipment Suggested for iPad Lab
Puffin browser - used for websites built with Flash technology
Reflector/AppleTV - used to project an iPad or iPhone to the screen
Padlet - creating collaborative projects
Kahoot - creating online learning games and quizzes
Quizlet - online vocabulary learning tools and games
Polaris Office - creating Word and PowePoint document on iPads
Glogster - creating online class posters
Explain Everything - an app good for digital story-telling
VoiceThread - creating online collaborative group projects with sound, pictures and videos
Recorder Pad/Extra Voice Recorder - used for creating speaking/recording assignments
Bb Mobile Learn - used to access the Blackboard Learn 9 course platform
Google Tool Set - Google Doc, Google Presentation, Google Sheet and Google Form.
Google Classroom - a Google product for class activity and assignment management and it works well on iPads and all other platforms