Get Involved
Join Our Student Staff

Peer Educators work closely with VPAS Center Staff members in supporting prevention education outreach efforts on sexual misconduct topics, through tabling, co facilitating presentations to peers, and in a variety of other formats. Also assist in the support of general office work including answering phones, organizing center, copying, etc. Search JOBS for open positions.
Volunteer/Intern with Us
We have hosted interns and volunteers of many different majors including Public Health, Social Work, Graphic Design and English. There are extensive opportunities. If interested, email vpas@southernct.edu
Join Peer Educators Advocating for Campus Empowerment (PEACE)

This student organization helps to bring more awareness to sexual misconduct prevention at Southern! PEACE allows students to be directly involved in creating positive change. This organization supports students who have an interest in sexual misconduct prevention and supports the entire campus by providing information on awareness and resources, with support and advisors from the Violence Prevention, Victim Advocacy and Support Center (VPAS). Visit PEACE on OwlConnect for more information.