Funding Opportunities

As of May 1, 2020, SCSU has transitioned to the funding database SPIN - more information below.

External Funding Opportunities

InfoEd SPIN Funding Database

SPIN is SCSU's new funding subscription database, providing access to an aggregation of federal, state, non-profit and foundation opportunities searchable by text, keyword, or a set of other criteria. SPIN allows you to save searches, bookmark funding opportunities, share programs with colleagues, and generate spreadsheets or exported documents summarizing search results. 

For a guide to setting up a profile, please see the document Setting Up a Profile on SPIN

Please contact Julianne Fowler at (203) 392-6802 or if you have questions. 

You can access and run saved searches designed by the SPIN administrator by going to your "Saved Searches" tab and reviewing the list of "Public Searches." These searches have been designed based on institutional priorities such as undergraduate education, early career investigators, minority education, social justice, and interdisciplinary research.

Internal Funding Opportunities

SCSU offers its full-time faculty, part-time faculty and students a variety of resources to support research, creative activity, curriculum advancement, travel, and more. Please refer to the following SCSU committees and offices for further information and links to the grant guidelines, deadlines, and submission forms. Opportunities are listed briefly below:

The Research and Scholarship Advisory Commitee: The Research and Scholarship Advisory Committee (RSAC) reports directly to the Provost and plays a major role in advancing the agenda for research, scholarship, and creative activity at Southern Connecticut State University. 

  • Joan Finn Non-Tenured Faculty Research Fellowship: The Joan Finn Junior Faculty Research Fellowships aim to provide junior faculty members with a significant amount of reassigned time at an early stage in their careers at SCSU
  • Mid-Level Faculty Research Fellowship: The Mid-Level Faculty Research Fellowship aims to provide mid-level faculty members with a significant amount of reassigned time at this crucial stage in their careers at SCSU
  • Senior Level Faculty Research Fellowship: The Senior-Level Faculty Research Fellowship was created to support and encourage research, creative activity, and scholarship among senior-level faculty members with a significant amount of reassigned time for these purposes
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant Grant: This grant is awarded to a Faculty Member to support one or more undergraduate research assistants to assist with said faculty member's research in any academic discipline represented on the SCSU campus
  • Undergraduate Research Grant: Grants will be awarded to undergraduate students to complete research in any academic discipline represented on the SCSU campus. Each student awardee will be guided by a faculty mentor
  • Conference Travel Grant for Graduate and Undergraduate Students: The Conference Travel Grant aims to provide graduate and undergraduate students with funds to help support travel to national and international conferences for the purpose of presenting their work at said conferences
  • Statistical Support Grant: This opportunity provides grants of up to 20 hours of statistical consulting time with a faculty member on campus who is an expert in statistics and will be awarded to graduate students to enable research in any academic discipline represented on SCSU's campus

The Minority Recruitment and Retention Committee: The MRRC Committee endeavors to make itself available in any way it can to achieve the university's goal of recruiting and retaining minority faculty members.

  • Minority Recruitment and Retention Committee Grant: Proposals may be for minority faculty via one of three targeted project categories: Professional Enhancement, Mentoring, or Research

The Office of Faculty Development: The Office of Faculty Development supports faculty across all career stages and disciplines to achieve their potential as educators and scholars. With student success regarded as SCSU's highest priority, it works to promote innovation, collaboration and education to advance faculty careers; to enhance collegiality across campus; and to add value to faculty professional and personal lives.

  • CSU Research Grant: The program seeks quality proposals that enhance the educational mission, visibility, and research stature of the four Connecticut State Universities.
  • Faculty Professional Development Grant: This grant opportunity is open to all full- and part-time faculty. The Faculty Professional Development Grant invites and encourages proposals from all schools, departments, programs, affinity groups and individuals to enhance their ability to be productive and innovative professionals
  • Curriculum-Related Grants: This grant provides additional support for curriculum development. Proposals should clearly reflect effort and activity that is above and beyond normal expectations for course preparation, or for moving an existing on-ground course to become hybrid or fully online

The SCSU Faculty Senate is the representative body that serves as a the agency by which the faculty can actively participate in the governance and policy-making decisions of the University on the basis of the principle of shared authority.

  • Faculty Creative and Research Activity Grants: This program supports quality proposals that focus on the creation of new knowledge, the application of disciplinary or multidisciplinary knowledge, methodologies, or insights, the production of creative works, and research in student learning