Blue banner with white text reading Research and Scholarship Advisory Committee Calls for Proposals

This page contains the various current funding opportunities coordinated by the Research and Scholarship Advisory Committee. This page is updated with offerings as they become available.

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Description and Purpose:  Southern Connecticut State University recognizes the importance of student and faculty scholarship and creative activity in furthering its mission. The University is committed to expanding the array of support mechanisms for such scholarship and creative activity. The Conference Travel Grants for Students aims to provide graduate and undergraduate students with funds to support travel costs and/or registration fees for national or international conferences whether virtual or on ground for the purpose of presenting their scholarshipProposals from students who wish to attend a conference without presenting their work will not be considered for funding.  Proposals from students whose work demonstrates a high probability of producing, for example, a published manuscript (or other relevant scholarly representation aligned with their discipline, i.e., art exhibit, book contract) will be given priority.

Eligibility:  Matriculated graduate or undergraduate students (both full and part time), whose conference proposal has already been accepted by the conference organizers, are eligible to apply for this support.

    • Faculty cannot be the lead author. 
    • Student presenter must be the first or second author.  If two students are on one panel, they cannot get full funding but will have to split the award amount.
    • No more than two students for one paper or poster will be allowed.
    • Student must have completed at least one semester at SCSU.
    • FT faculty may not apply for these funds even if they are enrolled as a Graduate Student.
    • PT faculty who are enrolled in a graduate program at SCSU may apply for AAUP travel funds or for a student travel grant, but not both.

Review Process:  These grants are sponsored by the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Deans.  Students with other concurrent funding must disclose their funding.

Award Amount: Matriculated graduate students may apply for up to $1,000 for a national conference or up to $1,500 per international conference, depending on the budget submitted.  Undergraduate students may apply for up to $500 for a national conference only. Please note: regional conferences cannot be awarded under this Call.  Funds for both types of students may only be applied towards the costs of registration, transportation, and hotel room expenses.  All travel must abide by regulations of the CDC and CT Department of Health as they exist at time of travel.  Funds may not be used for faculty travel expenses. 

For virtual conferences: Matriculated graduate or undergraduate students may apply for up to but not more than the cost of registration for a virtual conference.  Funds may not be used for faculty registration expenses.

Application Process:  The application and all required documents must be submitted via the Kuali portal system using this link: Conference Travel Grants for Students.

All the following documents must be submitted (in PDF format).  Incomplete applications will not be funded.

  • Conference announcement
  • Student's Conference abstract and proof of acceptance of the student's abstract
  • Unofficial transcript
  • Budget of travel-related expenses.

Please note that only the cost of registration, estimated traavel to and from the conference site, and the estimated expense for a hotel room during the conference should be listed in the budget. For virtual conferences only the cost of registration (not supplies) for the conference can be submitted.

  • Proof of conference registration costs.

Students must indicate a faculty mentor on the form; the faculty mentor is expected to formally approve the application through the electronic portal.

We recognize that conferences send acceptance at different times, therefore there is no hard deadline for submission of proposals.  However, after committee review and approval, commitments to fund will be granted on a first come, first serve basis. Therefore, students should apply as soon as possible after they receive organization/society/conference acceptance. Funds are ordinarily distributed on a reimbursement basis following processes used by the university Travel Office. All expenses, following travel, must be fully reconciled prior to the end of next fiscal year (by no later than June 30, 2025).

Further Information

For questions, please contact Professor C. Michele Thompson .

Please note that awardees are responsible for completing the University/State required Travel Authorization and associated paperwork within the required timeframe to be reimbursed.

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Southern Connecticut State University is pleased to announce a grant program to support graduate research that includes statistical analyses during the Summer of 2024. Grants of up to 20 hours of statistics consulting time with a faculty member on campus who is an expert in statistics will be awarded to graduate students to enable research in any academic discipline represented on the SCSU campus. Each student awardee must be currently enrolled in a graduate program at Southern and involved in a thesis or research capstone project guided by a faculty mentor.

Successful applicants will be awarded consulting time with faculty on campus who are experts in statistical methods. The consultant’s work will be compensated through a fund set up for this purpose and administered through the Sponsored Programs and Research (SPAR) office at SCSU.

The purpose of these awards is twofold. First, it is to promote high quality research and creative activity at the graduate level by having students incorporate more rigorous statistical analyses into their thesis and capstone research projects. Second, we seek to stimulate grant proposals incorporating the most appropriate statistical research methods written by faculty at SCSU. Projects that could lead to future external grant proposals will be given preference.

PLEASE NOTE: Consulting may be done remotely -for example, by videoconference, phone, or other similar means-  or in-person. Applicants may discuss this with their assigned consultant and agree upon a preferred mode of interaction. Faculty mentors may not serve as consultants for their mentees. They may, however, serve as consultants for any other student. RSAC will make every effort to assign students a consultant of their choice, however this cannot be guaranteed.


To be eligible, a student must:

  • be a graduate student with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0;
  • have completed at least 6 graduate-level course credits by the end of Spring Semester 2024;
  • be enrolled in graduate courses for the Fall 2024 semester (i.e., students graduating in May are not eligible);
  • be working on a thesis or capstone project with a mentor who is a full-time faculty member at SCSU.

For projects involving human participants or animal subjects, approval from the SCSU Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) must be in place before beginning the consulting with the statistical support faculty member, if the statistical consulting is directly involved in that work. If the statistical consulting involves aid in designing the experiment, prior to its execution, then that should be clearly stated in the proposal and in that case these approvals are not needed for the project and would be sought before the project begins.

To apply:

All required application materials must be fully completed, signed by necessary parties and submitted electronically to the Research and Scholarship Advisory Committee by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday May 28th, 2024. The application process must be completed in the Kuali platform starting at this webpage: Statistical Support Grant Pilot Program

Putting the browser into full-screen mode will provide the best viewing of this page, and all supporting files may be uploaded to that site. The following pages of this document may be used to guide the student and faculty mentor through the preparation of the application. Incomplete applications will not receive consideration. Applications submitted past the deadline cannot be considered.


These awards are competitive and thus only those proposals that reside within the parameters of this Request for Proposals and are of highest quality will be considered for appropriate support allocations. Members of the Research and Scholarship Advisory Committee (RSAC) will review proposals and recommend awardees to the Provost. The Provost will announce the award recipients by Friday, May 31th , 2024.

Academic Honesty:

Please note that these proposals should be written by the student proposer, any proposal that was clearly written by the sponsoring faculty member will be disqualified. Likewise, any student proposal that contains plagiarism or exhibits any other form of academic dishonesty will be disqualified.

Please distribute this information widely so that interested students and faculty can consider research projects for this exciting program.

Any questions about the program should be addressed to Dr. Sandip Dutta at

Any questions about the use of the Kuali platform can be addressed to the Sponsored Programs and Research Office at