Concentrations in MLIS


The Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) Program currently offers two concentrations. These concentrations are pre-specified collections of elective courses that, when taken together, cover particular areas of specialization within the Library and Information Science field. These may be viewed as an advising strategy to assist students in choosing electives. An area of concentration is not an academic credential and is not listed on the student's academic transcript.


1. Digital Information Management (DIM) Concentration

This concentration is to cover major DIM skills and knowledge with four required elective courses (listed below). As digital information becomes more integral to everyday life, particularly pervasive in the scholarly environment, skills and knowledge for providing digital information services have become more crucial to a new generation of information professionals. Librarians in today's digital age must understand the features of various data, information lifestyles, presentation, preservation, and curation of digital archives, in addition to manipulating books and print media. Ultimately, the concentration is to make our courses closely aligned with real-life requirements of the workplace in libraries and information centers to help ensure that our students are better prepared to meet current job competencies with up-to-date professional skills and knowledge while employed. 


ILS 554 – Data Analysis and Visualization

ILS 558 – Digital Preservation and Archives

ILS 567 – Metadata Management Tools

ILS 655 – Digital Librarianship


2. Academic Libraries Concentration

The Academic Libraries concentration will prepare students in the MLIS program for positions within academic libraries. Academic librarians are expected to serve the needs of post-secondary students, faculty and staff in complex and often interconnected institutions that range from community colleges to public and independent/private research-intensive universities. Students will learn about the organizational structure of academic libraries and the many roles that librarians play to support institutional objectives. In the context of Connecticut, the post-secondary student population in need of the services of academic libraries and their professional staff exceeds 150,000 across 43 institutions in the categories defined by the Connecticut Office of Higher Education. The Connecticut State Colleges & Universities (CSCU) alone comprises 17 campuses and approximately 85,000 students.


ILS 525 – Collection Development and Management

ILS 536 – Academic Libraries

ILS 575 – Instructional Design Principles

ILS 590 – Research in Library and Information Science




Last updated: August 7, 2023