Math Course Outlines
Undergraduate Courses
MAT 100 Intermediate Algebra
MAT 100P Introductory and Intermediate Algebra
MAT 103 Mathematics for Liberal Arts
MAT 104 Mathematics All Around Us
MAT 105 Mathematics for Elementary Education I
MAT 106 Mathematics for Elementary Education II
MAT 107 Elementary Statistics
MAT 108 Mathematics for the Natural Sciences
MAT 112 Algebra for Business and the Sciences
MAT 115 Introduction to Modern Mathematics
MAT 120 College Algebra
MAT 122 Precalculus
MAT 125 Applied Business Mathematics
MAT 139 Short Course in Calculus
MAT 140 Computational Tools for Mathematics and the Sciences
MAT 150 Calculus I
MAT 151 Calculus II
MAT 178 Elementary Discrete Mathematics
MAT 207 Mathematics for Elementary Education III
MAT 210 Analysis of Election Structures
MAT 221 Intermediate Applied Statistics
MAT 245 Differential Equations
MAT 250 Foundations of Mathematics: An Introduction
MAT 252 Calculus III
MAT 260 Geometry and the Arts
MAT 320 Probability
MAT 321 Mathematical Statistics
MAT 326 Regression Analysis
MAT 328 Time Series Analysis
MAT 329 Bayesian Analysis and Decision Making
MAT 342 Statistical Decision Making in the Twenty-First Century
MAT 372 Linear Algebra
MAT 373 Modern Algebra I
MAT 378 Discrete Mathematics
MAT 405 Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint
MAT 408 Technology for Teaching Secondary Mathematics
MAT 428 Mathematical Foundations in Machine Learning
MAT 450 Real Analysis
MAT 491 Mathematics Capstone I
MAT 492 Mathematics Capstone II
MAT 496 Student Teaching Seminar
MAT 498 Seminar in Mathematics