Math Emporium
Location: Buley Library Room 007
Front Desk: (203) 392-5036
Email: math.emporium@southernct.edu
What is the Math Emporium?
The Math Emporium is a new classroom and lab space located on the lower level of the Buley Library. It is outfitted with whiteboards, projection systems, 96 laptop computers, and workstations where students can bring their own laptop.
The Math Emporium is reserved for students enrolled in MAT 100P -- Introductory and Intermediate Algebra. MAT 100P provides students with the algebraic skills and concepts needed for the mathematics general education courses MAT 103, MAT 105, MAT 107, MAT 108, and MAT 112. Topics of the course include real numbers and variables, plus linear, quadratic, polynomial, and basic rational and radical functions with graphing, word problems, and linear systems.
MAT 100P is offered in the emporium format. Students are required to spend five contact hours per week in the Emporium, three scheduled with their instructor, and two walk-ins (lab) hours. Hallmarks of emporium classes include the following:
- Few to no class lectures: Passive learning is replaced with active learning. Instead of watching someone else do math, students are spending more time in class working on math themselves.
- Individually-paced: Students skip over what they already know, and spend more time on topics they need help with. They are not bored by topics they have already mastered, nor are they overwhelmed by topics that are beyond their reach. Each student is engaged working on exactly the topics they are ready for.
- Immediate feedback: Professors and peer mentors provide tailored, one-on-one or small group instruction to students. Adaptive and artificial-intelligence software is utilized to provide explanations and generate practice problems. Students review and get help with their mistakes at the time they make them, not days or weeks later.
Emporium classes are not online classes. Technology is used to help students learn and master content in the course, just as it is used in many college courses to assist in the student's learning experience.
Math Emporium Policies
- Only students registered for MAT 100P are permitted to work in the Emporium.
- All students enrolled in MAT100P are required to log at least 2 hours per week in the Math Emporium in addition to their scheduled class time. Students must swipe in and out with their HootLoot card in order for their attendance to be accurately tracked and reported to their professor.
- The Emporium is closed whenever SCSU is closed or when classes are canceled/delayed.
- No food or drinks are permitted in the Emporium, except for water in sealed containers.
- The Emporium is generally a quiet study space. Small conversations may occur between professors, peer mentors, and the students they are helping. Students are asked to respect each other when working in the Emporium, keeping all other noise to a minimum.
- There are no cellphones or headphones allowed in the Math Emporium.
- Students are expected to work on ALEKS while logged into the Math Emporium. Activities such as web-surfing, sleeping, or completing other coursework are not permitted. Cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty will also not be tolerated in the Emporium.
- Students are expected to act in accordance with the SCSU Student Code of Conduct while in the Emporium.
Tips for Success in the Math Emporium
- Recognize that you have control over how well you do in the class. Decide that you will make an honest effort to do well.
- Have a positive attitude and an open mind about the course. Negative self-talk can hinder your success.
- Attend every single class! Students with excellent attendance are the most successful in the Math Emporium.
- Log at least 2 hours in the lab every single week. Schedule your lab hours in your calendar ahead of time, so that you don’t forget.
- Work efficiently during your class and lab hours. Put your phone and other distractions away so that you are able to concentrate on math.
- Do a little bit of math every single day, whether it’s in class, the lab, or at home. Even if it’s just a few topics – you’ll reach those pie progress goals in no time.
- Read and take notes on the explanations before you try the practice problems. You will find valuable information on these pages regarding definitions, formulas, and strategies that will help you solve the problems.
- Ask questions early and often. Your professors and peer mentors are here to help you succeed.
- Keep a neat and organized notebook. Review your notes often. Not only does your notebook count as part of your grade, but a good notebook will make it easier to study for tests.