Strengthening Institutions
Southern is excited to share it has received a Strengthening Institutions Grant.
The overall goal is to increase success and retention through enhanced services for at-risk students and the development of the multi-divisional, comprehensive Success Center.
Main Objectives
- Decrease the number of DFW students in key gateway courses
- Increase persistence rates of at-risk first time full-time, first-year students after 1 year
- Increase persistence rates of at-risk first time full-time, first-year students after 2 years
- Decrease percentage of student body with overall GPAs of 2.5 or below
- Increase the number of students supported by basic needs
- Increase student satisfaction with student support services
There are many programs which support these objectives, such as:
- Implementation of PALS (Peer Academic Leaders)
- Implementation of Academic Success Coaching
- Implementation of a comprehensive alert program
- Implementation of a Food Pantry
- Implementation of Academic Probation Program
- Implementation of the RISE Course
- Implementation of the Summer Institute