Strengthening Institutions

Southern is excited to share it has received a Strengthening Institutions Grant.

The overall goal is to increase success and retention through enhanced services for at-risk students and the development of the multi-divisional, comprehensive Success Center.  

Main Objectives

  1. Decrease the number of DFW students in key gateway courses
  2. Increase persistence rates of at-risk first time full-time, first-year students after 1 year
  3. Increase persistence rates of at-risk first time full-time, first-year students after 2 years
  4. Decrease percentage of student body with overall GPAs of 2.5 or below
  5. Increase the number of students supported by basic needs
  6. Increase student satisfaction with student support services

There are many programs which support these objectives, such as:

  1. Implementation of PALS (Peer Academic Leaders)
  2. Implementation of Academic Success Coaching
  3. Implementation of a comprehensive alert program 
  4. Implementation of a Food Pantry
  5. Implementation of Academic Probation Program 
  6. Implementation of the RISE Course
  7. Implementation of the Summer Institute