Library and Other Resources
Buley Library
All graduate students should be familiar with the databases pertinent to their respective disciplines, and comfortable asking the librarians for help finding the appropriate databases and books, and accessing that content. Learn more about the librarians at SCSU.
Buley Library also has a guide for citation in APA, MLA, and other styles: Buley Library Citations and References
In addition, the Writing Center supports the following resource that is writing-skill specific: APA Style Central Database. This all-in-one database will help you develop your question, find resources, organize your materials and ideas, draft, and revise your papers. This is your go-to resource to learn how to become an effective academic writer.
Useful Guides for Improving Writing
Jon Acuff, Finished
Stephen Bailey, Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students
Joan Bolker, Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day
Miles Bryant, The Portable Dissertation Adviser
Benjamin Dreyer, Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style
Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
David Evans, How to Write a Better Thesis
Mignon Fogarty, Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Keith Hjortshoj, Understanding Writing Blocks
Sanford Kaye, Writing Under Pressure: The Quick Writing Process
Steven King, On Writing
Anne Lamont, Bird by Bird
Evelyn Hunt Ogden, Complete Your Dissertation or Thesis in Two Semesters or Less
Daniel and Paula Pearlman, Guide to Rapid Revision
Joshua Schimel, Writing Science: How to Write Papers that Get Cited and Proposals that Get Funded
Paul Silvia, How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing
John Swales and Christine Feak, Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Skills and Tasks
John Swales and Christine Feak, English in Today’s Research World: A Writing Guide
Helen Sword, Stylish Academic Writing
Laura Vanderkam, What the Most Successful People Do
Online Resources
Cathy Mazak’s Academic Women’s Writing Coach
This website includes a personal mentor, and network of other academic writers. Lots of tips and tools for successful academic writing.
Grammar Girl
Moyen Fogarty better known as Grammar Girl has seven books and a weekly podcast with other 700 episodes. Anything you want to know about grammar- she has the answer.
The Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)
This website includes guides for citation (APA, MLA, Chicago, and AMA), as well as tips for more general writing.
The Punctuation Guide
If you’re confused about your punctuation, this is a great place to start.
Writing Clarity Calculator
This online tool helps improve your writing by suggesting clearer more concise versions of what you want to say.
Understanding Plagiarism
To learn more about SCSU’s policy towards plagiarism and how to spot it see SCSU’s Academic Misconduct Policy.
SCSU’s Journalism Department Policy on Plagiarism
If you are stressed about your work -- don’t panic, and don’t plagiarize! Southern has resources to help. For instance, you can talk to your advisor or department chair. You can talk to the Office of Student Affairs in EN A106, or the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies, Buley 4th floor.
You can make an appointment with the Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services if you think your struggles may be related to a diagnosed or undiagnosed disability.
You can also make an appointment with the University Counseling Services if you are emotionally or psychologically struggling.