To Get Tutoring
Undergraduate students at SCSU can schedule tutoring appointments to get help with writing or any other academic skill (math, language, etc.) and in any discipline. To make an appointment:
- Sign into Banner Student
- Go to SSC Navigate (it’s an app -- if you don’t have it, add app)
- Scroll Down -- Make Appointment (ASC)
- You should see a list of times and tutors available. Choose the time that or tutor who works best for you. You will be looking for Academic Writing Specialists.
- Note down the time and date of your appointment. All appointments take place in either Buley Library in the Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services (3rd floor) or online on Microsoft Teams.
- Bring the paper or assignment or even a question you want to work on.
You may make an appointment with any available tutor, but you may want to look for tutors who have strengths in the same discipline (department) that you are in. To prepare for your tutoring session here are some tips to keep in mind:
- The tutor is not there to do the work for you, they are there to help you be a better writer. Don’t expect them to “fix” your paper, or to copyedit it.
- The tutor is not a mind-reader. Make sure you explain what you hope to gain out of the tutoring session. Let the tutor know if you want them to use certain pronouns, or if you need some accommodations. For instance, some writers process instruction best while walking around, or with quieter spaces -- speak up and tell the tutor what works best for you.
- Bring as much information to the session that’s relevant to the assignment as you can. The original assignment, a writing guide, the rubric, the assigned reader are all helpful items to help the tutor help you.
To Become a Tutor
If you are interested in being a writing tutor, sign up for the tutoring course (currently ENG 298). If you have questions about becoming a writing tutor, please contact CASAS.