What should I do if a student in my class is struggling with writing?
There are many things you can do to help! You may want to have a conversation with the student to see where they think they are struggling. If they are willing to work with you to improve their writing, great! Otherwise, you may want to suggest they make an appointment with a peer-tutor at the Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services. Appointments can be made through SSC.
I am working with a graduate student who struggles with writing. How can I help them?
This is very common. Is there someone on the graduate student’s committee who is dedicated to help them with writing challenges? That would be the first person to turn to. Otherwise, you may want to dedicate a few of your meetings to go over the writing expectations at the graduate level. Does your department have a graduate writing guide? If not, you may want to create one. You can also send the graduate student to the Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services to meet with a tutor. There are fellow graduate tutors, if the student is still working on course work. If the student is working on their master's capstone, or their dissertation, there are Professional Writing Specialists who can work with them. The Professional Writing Specialists can provide proofreading services if the student has attended at least three tutoring sessions with that tutor. Professional Writing Specialists cover all the disciplines. Graduate students can make appointments through SSC.
My advisee wants to waive a W course. What should I say? Where is the application?
More information and forms to waive a W course are here.
My chair wants me to teach a W course, but I’m not sure about my ability to teach writing skills. What should I do?
You can always say no. However, if you want to gain those skills, and are interested in teaching the course, read on! The Office of Faculty Development has several resources to help improve your teaching writing skills. In addition, the Writing Director is happy to provide workshops in any of the relevant skills.
How does a course get approved as a W? Where can I find the forms?
Information and forms for W courses are here.
How can I find out if my course has been approved as a W?
A list is on the UCF Confluence page. In addition, the UCF Tracker keeps track of previously approved W courses that may still be taught by the named professor.
I want to write more, but I’m struggling to balance my creative activity with my other University requirements. Do you have any suggestions?
You are not alone! Just recognizing that you are not alone in making our lives fit can help. We welcome you to meet with others who are also working towards similar goals. Stop by the Sit Down and Write!, participate in some of the Office of Faculty Development’s events, or join some of the online groups to support academic writers.