Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct includes all forms of cheating and plagiarism, fabrication and falsification. Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to, providing or receiving assistance from another, in a manner not authorized by the instructor, in the creation of work to be submitted for academic evaluation (including papers, projects and examinations). Plagiarism is defined as presenting, as one's own, the ideas or words of another person, for academic evaluation, without proper acknowledgment. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to: (i) copying sentences, phrases, paragraphs, tables, figures, or data directly or in slightly modified form from a book, article, or other academic source without using quotation marks or giving proper acknowledgment to the original author or source; (ii) copying information from Internet Web sites and submitting it as one's own work; (iii) buying papers for the purpose of turning them in as one's own work; and (iv) selling or lending papers to another person for submission by that other person, for academic evaluation, as his or her own work.
Fabrication includes but is not limited to making up data or results of a research assignment and recording or reporting them. Falsification includes but is not limited to manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in a submitted research paper.
Procedures for Handling Academic Misconduct
**Procedures for handling cases of alleged academic misconduct have been approved by the Faculty Senate.