Do you offer any resources related to writing for career advancement (i.e., cover letters, resumes, etc.)?
No, not directly. You may work on these things with a writing tutor. However, specific workshops and resources related to career advancement should be met through your department and/or the Office of Career and Professional Development.
Do you offer any resources related to writing theses/dissertations?
Yes, many. Take a look at our Resources page to learn more.
Does the Writing Center provide accommodations for students with learning disabilities or differences?
Yes. If you are a student with a learning difference you can expect to be reasonably accommodated. Please refer to the Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services.
Does the Writing Center offer any resources specifically for English as a Second Language (ESL) or heritage speaking writers?
There are at least two writing tutors in the Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services who specialize in tutoring students whose first language is not English. In addition, there is a tutor assigned to ENG 120, and all tutors are encouraged to attend training for helping heritage-speaking writers.
What is the plagiarism policy at SCSU?
Please see our Resources page and read the section on plagiarism.
Does the Writing Center provide online resources related to citations?
Yes, several. Take a look at the Resources page for more information.