Records and Information Management in Connecticut
State of Connecticut
Office of the Public Records Administrator (OPRA)
Connecticut State Library
231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-757-6540
Fax: 860-757-6542
LeAnn Power, CRM
Public Records Administrator
Public Records Authority and Responsibility
Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Title 11, Chapter 188, Secs. 11-8 and 11-8(a), the Office of the Public Records Administrator [OPRA] is responsible for designing and implementing the Public Records Program for local government agencies and for state agencies within the executive department of government.
OPRA oversees the life cycle of public records; develops standards for record creation, including permanent papers and records stored in electronic format; publishes records retention schedules; and provides records management guidelines. It also publishes manuals, general letters, guidelines and standards to keep state and local government agencies informed about current records management issues and requirements. By statute, the Public Records Administrator and State Archivist must approve the disposition of all public records.
In addition, OPRA provides records management guidelines for local government offices; publishes regulations regarding the construction of town record storage vaults and the creation of permanent land maps filed with town clerks; and conducts the annual examination of land record indexes. OPRA also administers grants to municipalities to enhance or improve the preservation and management of local historic documents through the Historic Documents Preservation Program and has administrative responsibility for the State Records Center.
State Agency Records Management
The Office of the Public Records Administrator (OPRA) oversees the life cycle of public records created by state agencies within the executive department. OPRA develops standards for record creation, including permanent papers and records stored in electronic format. It publishes records retention schedules and provides records management guidelines for these agencies. The Office also publishes manuals, general letters, guidelines and standards to keep government agencies informed about current records management issues and requirements and operates the State Records Center in Rocky Hill which houses and services semi-active state agency records. OPRA provides training and workshops for state government employees on a wide range of records management issues and performs inspections to ensure compliance with public records statutes and regulations. Finally, the Office of the Public Records Administrator in conjunction with the State Archives oversees the final disposition of state records either through proper destruction or transfer to the State Archives.