RIM Best Practices

  1. Always adhere to state and federal records retention schedules and guidelines regardless of the format of your records, i.e., paper or electronic.
  2. Organize both your paper and electronic records.
  3. Organize your email.
  4. Move inactive records into a secure storage area.
  5. Only access information that is relevant to your official responsibilities.
  6. Keep your work space secure by being aware of various threats to information security such as unlocked computers, file cabinets, desk drawers, and doors; papers left out in the open; papers left in copy and/or fax machines, etc.
  7. Be aware of various threats to electronic information security such as viruses, spyware, malware, etc.
  8. Prevent the disclosure of any and all confidential information.
  9. Secure all paper and electronic documents that contain confidential information.
  10. Properly destroy paper and electronic records that contain confidential information when they are no longer needed.
  11. Make it a policy to shred all paper documents regardless of their classification or the type of information they contain.

 And finally...

12.     When In Doubt, Assume It's a Record!!!