Purchasing Card Frequently Asked Questions

This P-Card FAQ provides answers to common questions about purchasing cards, including usage, policies, and best practices. Whether you're new to P-Cards or need a quick reference, these answers will help you navigate the process with ease. Check back regularly, as FAQs are updated frequently to ensure you have the most current information.

P-Card Transition FAQs

  • The bank will transition from JP Morgan to U.S. Bank. 

  • The card type will change from Mastercard to Visa. 

  • The reconciliation process, including submission of supporting documents, will move to U.S. Bank's online reconciliation system. 

  • A new P-Card Policy will be implemented for all CSCU campuses. 

  • Existing JP Morgan P-Cardholders will not receive a new U.S. Bank P-Card automatically. They must complete a new application to be issued a U.S. Bank P-Card. 

The transition to U.S. Bank is part of a state-wide initiative. SCSU had no control over the implementation date, the date when JP Morgan cards would become inactive, or the issuance date for U.S. Bank cards. These aspects are part of the CT System project, in which all CSCU campuses are required to participate. This ongoing technology initiative supports the transition to U.S. Bank, with the expected rollout scheduled for the end of February 2025. 

The new CSCU Purchasing Card Policy was presented to the Finance Committee on February 20, 2025, and is subject to final approval at the upcoming full board meeting. The implementation of the new P-Card policy is mandatory for all campuses, with an effective date of April 1, 2025. The policy has been introduced in response to recent audit findings related to P-Cards. 

The CSCU policy serves as the overarching framework for P-Card use across all institutions. At SCSU, we establish specific procedures to ensure compliance while addressing campus-specific needs. This includes defining who approves P-Card applications, outlining compliance and violation protocols, and establishing reconciliation procedures.

  • Individuals whose job responsibilities require frequent business-related purchases are eligible to apply for a P-Card. 

  • P-Card applications will be evaluated based on necessity, including the types of goods or services required, the estimated number of transactions, and the availability of alternative payment methods. 

  • All P-Cards applications must be approved by the applicant's Vice President or Dean. 

To obtain a U.S. Bank P-Card, you must submit a P-Card application for review and approval by your Vice President or Dean. Once approved, if you were an existing JP Morgan cardholder, you will receive your U.S. Bank P-Card at one of the scheduled training sessions.

The requirement for training as a condition for receiving a new P-Card is a component of the revised system-led purchasing policy. The Board of Regents emphasized mandating training prior to P-Card issuance, as well as ensuring each employee accepts the new rules upon receipt of a P-Card is a critical change needed across all campuses. The Board views this as a vital step in demonstrating compliance with the updated requirements. 

Location: Wintergreen Banner Room

Dates & Times:

  • February 24- 9:00 AM & 2:00 PM

  • February 25- 9:00 AM & 10:00 AM

  • February 26- 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 2:00 PM


Important: You cannot register for in-person training until your P-Card application is approved. Upon approval, you will receive a link to sign up for a training session. 

If your application is approved after these training sessions, or if you are unable to attend, please reach out to Robin Kenefick to arrange alternative accommodations.

P-Cards must be issued in the individual name of a SCSU employee. This is to ensure there is a party responsible for activity on the P-Card. It is possible to have a card issued to a departmental administrator who is responsible for making purchases on behalf of a department.

  • Returning on or before February 27: No action is needed; your existing booking remains valid.

  • Traveling after February 27: You must contact the vendor and update the payment method to your new U.S. Bank P-Card.

If you no longer have a P-Card and you previously booked travel, you should contact the vendor to confirm if they require the original card at check-in. If they do, request to remove the JP Morgan card and be prepared to use a personal card at check-in. If necessary, you may request a travel advance to help cover the expense.


If you have been informed that your purchases should go through the Purchase Requisition process instead of using a P-Card, please refer to the Requisition process for guidance on how to submit your request. For further assistance, you can reach out to Procurement@southernct.edu.

Purchasing FAQs

No, you cannot purchase alcohol with your P-Card per Connecticut Statute CGS 4-56. Restrictions on use of state funds for alcohol. This statute outlines restrictions on the use of state funds for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. It prohibits the use of state appropriations or funds for the purchase of alcohol unless there is explicit, specific authorization in the budget or a special provision in the law. 

The statute reads: 

"No state funds or appropriations shall be expended for the purchase of alcoholic beverages unless such expenditures is authorized by law."

This means that, unless there is a specific legislative provision or budget authorization allowing it, the use of state funds for purchasing alcohol is prohibited. 

Refreshments or meals less than $250.00 allowed under the refreshment policy may be paid using a university issued P-Card (Campus Dining Service expected where an internal process is in existence that directly charges the Requestor's Banner Index) as outlined below. P-Card transactions related to refreshment or meals must contain a copy of the written approval of the President or appropriate President in accordance with the following:

Allowable Expenses

Light refreshments, defined as coffee, tea, bottled water, juice, soda, and food items such as pastries, fruit, chips, cookies, and cake, may be provided during meetings of official University business provided the meeting does not consist entirely of university employees. Prior written approval of the President or appropriate Vice President is required if the cost of providing beverages and/or light refreshments exceeds $1,000.00 

For additional information, please review the Refreshment Policy. 

P-Card transactions are uploaded to Banner after the reconciliation process. As a result, there is typically a one-month lag between the transaction date and when it appears in Banner. 

Immediately contact the P-Card Administration via email to notify them of the lost or stolen P-Card. P-Card Administration will determine next steps.

We are currently developing an electronic form. Once it becomes available, we will post it. Until then, please email the P-Card Administration with a business justification and approval from the budget authority and Vice President/Dean. Please allow up to two business days for processing. 

No. You must submit a new P-Card application with appropriate index/indices and the signature of your new Vice President or Dean. 

Contact the P-Card Administration via email to determine the cause of the decline. 

Robin Kenefick, P-Card Administrator




Nina Cote, Director of Business Services 

