Personal Service Agreements (PSA)

The Personal Service Agreement (PSA) is used for the commitment of funds concerning all non-employment contracts for personal services that are required and are not issued on a Purchase Order. Personal services include assistance and services performed by individuals, partnerships or corporations of a professional or technical nature. PSAs are not to be used in place of hiring regular, full-time, part-time, or temporary employees. PSAs will not be authorized for work that has been recognized as belonging to one of the collective bargaining units within the Board of Regents ConnSCU system.

Personal Service Agreement Resources

Note: Links to external sites will open in a new window.

PSA Checklist

This checklist provides all the required paperwork, forms & signatures required before you submit the PSA to Procurement services. Effective immediately, all PSAs must be submitted with a W9 attached. See link to a blank W9.

PSA Procedure

PSA Late Justification Policy and Requirements

Personal Service Agreement Templates

Due to concerns regarding the dissemination of personal information, please do not include individual contractor social security numbers on the PSA Form. Federal Employer Identification Numbers for companies may still be included.

PLEASE NOTE: IRS guidelines require certification of every contracted service vendor for tax reporting purposes. It is the Project director's responsibility to request a W-9 form be sent to the University's Accounts Payable Department. To maintain confidentiality of the information provided on the contractor's W-9m please request the contractor to fax their completed W-9 to the following secure fax: 203-392-9990. The W-9 is required only once unless the contractor's taxpayer information changes (i.e. name change, vendor status, ect.). The W-9 shall be maintained on file in the Accounts Payable Department. Please note that payment to the contractor for services provided shall not occur unless a W-9 is on file. To inquire whether the University already has a W-9 on file, please contact the Accounts Payable Department at X 26844.

• PSA and Honorarium Additional Tips

Employee or Independent Contractor Forms

Tax Forms

Affidavit Forms

For questions regarding Personal Service Agreements, please contact Shawna Cleary at (203) 392-6703