Amazon Business
SCSU has established an Amazon Business Prime membership for university faculty and staff.
Why Is It Beneficial?
Amazon Business Provides:
- Free 2-Day shipping or sooner on Prime-eligible items
- Average savings of 5-7% across the Amazon Business marketplace
- Access to millions of additional products, available only to Business customers
- Business-specific pricing, including quantity discounts on eligible items
- Automatic tax-exempt purchasing on items sold by Amazon.com LLC and participating 3rd party sellers
Diversity and Sustainability
Product search features provide information on a vendor’s certification, such as SBE/MBE status as well as any environmentally friendly certifications. The SCSU Purchasing department encourages purchasing from these vendors wherever possible.
How Do I Get Started?
In order to establish your Amazon Business account, you will need to have a university P-Card.
If you are seeking to become an active user on SCSU’s Amazon Business Account, contact Kwadir Delgado-McIntyre (delgadomcik1@southernct.edu). An invite will be sent.
For registration information please review Scenarios 1-3 in both, the User Registration Guide, and the FAQ Guide.
*Please note, purchases through Amazon Business are subject to all University P-Card and purchasing policies.
Primary Contact
Procurement Services University Assistant - Kwadir Delgado-McIntyre
Secondary Contact
Procurement Services Manager - Cynthia Shea-Luzik
Tax Exemption Status
SCSU has a tax exemption for the State of CT. We are not exempt in states such as New York, therefore tax will be charged.