You're Graduating! Now What? Next Steps for Interdisciplinary Studies Scholars
Congratulations on finishing up your Interdisciplinary Studies degree requirements! Your hard work and dedication are about to pay off. However, this can also be a time where you have a lot of questions about what's next after your final semester. The following resources and reminders are designed to help ease some of the common questions and concerns students in the final semesters may have. If you have additional questions or would like more information, please contact a member of the IDS Team at idsinfo@SouthernCT.edu. Also, don't forget to share your story with us!
Diploma & Transcript
Once your final grades are posted, graduates will receive a digital diploma emailed in 1 - 2 weeks. A physical diploma will be mailed in 4-6 weeks. Be sure to update your diploma name and mailing address with the Registrar's Office.
Transcripts will be updated 1 - 2 weeks after final grades are posted. Your major and concentrations (and minors, if applicable) will appear on your transcripts and these can be used for proof of degree for employment or academic program admission.
Commencement (Graduation) Ceremony
Students who complete their graduation requirements in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer are invited to participate in commencement, held each May. Information about the ceremony, cap & gown, tickets, etc, will be available on the Commencement website.
Starting Your Interdisciplinary Career
As a reminder, the Office of Career & Professional Development can assist you in creating/updating/refining your resume and cover letter to highlight your unique degree and concentrations. Additionally, OCPD can assist you with searching for career opportunities in your disciplines, as well as perfecting your interviewing skills. Be sure to check out OCPD on Instagram.
Advancing Your Education
Are you looking to advance your education, start a graduate program or seeking certification? Explore Southern's graduate programs and requirements from Graduate Admissions. Additionally, explore admission deadlines and get program info from the School of Graduate & Professional Studies. They can connect you with an admissions representative or a graduate program coordinator.
Owls for life! Staying Connected
The Office of Alumni Relations organizes networking opportunities, both social and professional, family events, seminars and panels. Don't forget to return to campus for Homecoming!
Be sure to stay connected with the IDS Program on LinkedIn.
Feeling Anxious about the Future?
As you transition from college and potential prepare to start your career (or are in the process of searching for one), it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Counseling Services provides a range of free and confidential brief, goal-directed, mental health treatment services to students focused on promoting public health, preventative care, and holistic well-being for the broader campus community.
Post-Graduation Finances
The Office of Financial Literacy and Advising will help you learn student loan repayment options and how to budget effectively based on your income and expenses. Now is a great time to check on your financial well-being and prepare for what's next (a free service).
Share Your Story
We want to share your stories! Tell us about yourself, your journey in Interdisciplinary Studies and what's next for you. We'll feature student spotlights on our social media, website, and other publications highlighting and celebrating your success!