Master of Arts in Teaching English
The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), with concentration in English, is a joint Master’s degree between the College of Education and English Department. The MAT-ENG is a post-graduate certification route for those who already have a Bachelor’s degree in English or related discipline and wish to pursue certification to teach middle- or high school English.
The MAT combines graduate certification courses in Secondary Education (Grades 7-12) with 16 additional credits in English, in fulfillment of English curricular expectations outlined by the National Council of Teachers of English and State of Connecticut:
- ENG 510 History of the English Language
- ENG 505 Applied English Linguistics
- ENG 575 Young Adult Literature
- Graduate elective in English (500-level)
Note: Students who have already taken any of the above requirements or their equivalent at the undergraduate level may replace them with a graduate English elective of their choice.
As an MAT-English student, you’ll take English graduate courses alongside our Master’s and MFA students, and enjoy full access to departmental resources, available graduate assistantships, and graduate activities, like the Literature and Social Justice Symposium and creative writing series. For more info on the English Master’s program, see Planning your Master’s Degree.
Degree Requirements and Admissions
For an overview of MAT degree requirements or to apply, see the SCSU Graduate Catalog. (The admissions process for the MAT-English is separate from the English Master's degree.) For additional questions about the MAT in English, contact our Secondary English Education coordinator, Dr. Melissa Talhelm.